Freeway of Love
Saturday 9: Freeway of Love (1985)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Aretha's ideal car is a pink Caddy. What's your dream vehicle?

Meet Lucy 2.0. Lucy 1.0 was traded in for her. Here's Lucy 1.0, which will answer question #2 quite nicely I think :)
2) Have you ever owned a convertible?Have you never heard of a JEEP? See #1 :)
3) Aretha longs to "drop the pedal and go." Are you a careful, conservative driver? Or do you enjoy going fast? Look, I'm a good driver. I haven't killed you, have I?
4) Aretha's grandmother Rachel helped raise her. Tell us about one of your grandparents.My mother's mother, AKA GG, Margie (and that's a hard G there, not a soft one)... believed that women shouldn't drink beer out of a bottle, chew gum or call boys. She was one of the most kick ASS people I've ever known, and I hope I can grow up to be just. Like. Her. White water rafting in her 60's, winning a beer chugging contest, traveling all over the world. You wish you had a grandma like mine. And when she was diagnosed with cancer, she said - I'm going on a cruise, I'll talk to you when I get back (not exactly, but you get the point), and came back, was admitted to the hospital and died with a killer tan. And nails. I did her nails, she couldn't go to the Pearly Gates with ratty looking nails!
5) Aretha played a waitress in the 1980 movie, The Blues Brothers. Have you ever worked in food service?Of course! My first job was in the dietary department at So Shore Hospital, and at some point along the line, I worked as a waitress..
6) Aretha was a chain smoker for decades and had a terrible time giving up cigarettes. What habit do you wish you could break?Same as Aretha's. But I'm not a chain smoker.
7) A sculpture of Aretha is at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in New York City. What's the last museum you visited?Oh my, I don't know! I was talking this week about having tea once in the London Museum. That was lovely. :)
8) Since Aretha has many honorary degrees, it would be appropriate to refer to her as Dr. Franklin. Who is the last person you addressed by his or her title (Officer, Father, Pastor, Dr., etc.)?I'm not as think as you drunk I am, Occifer... Oh. Wait. Wrong movie. LOL People are so casual these days, I really can't remember!
9) The daughter of a minister, Aretha enjoys singing "church music" and her 1972 CD Amazing Grace is one of the best sellers in gospel music history. Do you have any gospel music on your phone, iPod or MP3 player?