Saturday, July 12, 2008

what to do... what to do....

OK, so my ex is a fuckwit. We all know that. Well, except him. But that's another story. I had a ton of pictures of his kid on my computer and am at that point in my recovery (could it be called anything different?) that I want to delete them - that's not my life any more. And because he is such a fuckwit, I have no desire to be nice and give them to him. So I offer them to the child's mother. She's another story also. And that starts a few emails back and forth - she thanks me for the pictures, thinking of her, etc. and then tells me that she has a few pictures of ME & my son that I might like. So I'm thinking, huh? Turns out, the ex is so much of a moron that he let his son bring his iPod home (to Mom's) with him because he wanted to finish watching a movie on it. Child asked to watch the movie again the next day and when Mom was trying to find and start the movie, she saw a file labelled "Mom's Name - Stolen" which naturally peaked her curiosity and caused her to look at the content of that file as well as other photos he had on the iPod. Turned out - he stole pictures off her computer (which I knew about) and had also been taking pictures of the outside of her house, her mail - all sorts of stuff (some of which I knew about). First off - what kind of stupid MORON steals files/pictures - and then puts them in a file called "STOLEN"????? Oh wait. That would be the fuckwit. But then - he lets the child take the iPod with the stolen pictures on it - INTO HER HOUSE. Again. Fuckwit.

But during the course of our "conversations" it came out that I knew that he had taken the pictures. And she used the pictures to in turn get a restraining order against him. Funny - he was accusing me of stalking him, and all the time? He was being stupid and going to her house when she wasn't there, and, yep. You got it - a fuckwit.

As it turns out - they're in the beginning of their custody trial. He's lying about stuff (big surprise there - NOT)... and now? I've been invited to that state. To testify. For her. I have politely declined, but have a feeling that this isn't over.

Oy vey. All I wanted to do was erase the pictures off my computer.


K Dubs said...

yeah - well it wasn't HIS side that wants me there. I want NO part of any of this.

cheatymoon said...

I figured it was her side that asked. Crazy.

Cristin said...

Fuckwit is my new favorite word.

K Dubs said...

you can't tell me that you've never heard fuckwit before???!!! Say it ain't so!! :)

Cristin said...

No, I have... but had forgotten how nicely it rolls off the tongue. I'll be sure to use it more often...;)