So my week started off with the car dying, then the bat in my bedroom (or is that bats in the belfry?)...
How does it end?
Well, my car is fixed. It was NOT the alternator. It was NOT the PCM computer thingie that made it get towed from one garage to the Jeep dealership. I get a call this morning. The good news is - it cost half of what I expected. No instead of no trip to Chicago and no food for the week, we just get food for the week. ;-)
What was it?
Oh, go ahead. Guess. You know you want to.
Apparently, a RODENT has been chewing on the wires in the car, rendering it un-chargeable. And useless. So $397 later... I'm ready to kill this...

No trip to Chicago!!?? Say it isn't so!
yeah :( Money's tight, so having to shell out almost $400 (actually, over $400 by the time the other tow is paid for) killed the Chicago trip. I have too much other stuff that has to be paid for, and not enough money to pay for it. Arrgh.
BUT... the boy goes off to golf camp on Sunday!!
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