Fun stuff here: Friday Fill Ins
"This week I'm going to use rather obscure song lyrics; you can fill them in with the correct words if you know 'em...but wouldn't it be more fun to do it a bit differently?"
And...here we go!
1. If I was to walk into your life, your life would improve greatly :)
2. Catch a bright star and place it in your pocket.
3. And you can send me to the moon, Alice, to the moon!
4. Sometimes the thought train derails, but I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets.
5. I'm the innocent bystander / Somehow I got stuck in someone's nightmare!! LOL
6. What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness, it's the fact that you're a fuckwit.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to Friday relaxation, tomorrow my plans include meeting with the mortgage broker and Sunday, I want to enjoy the day!
good luck w/ the mortgage guy
it's lady LOL and I'm all set, we just have to finalize all the paperwork. I should (fingers crossed) be closing at the beginning of Oct!!
Fuckwit is my favorite!
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