I've never claimed to have a green thumb - in fact, me in a greenhouse is usually grounds for a serial killer trial. Not a chartreuse, olive drab (that would be the
hair story here), lime, khaki thumb, none of it. Not me. Uh nuh. So when I had my house built, I talked to a friend that is a landscaper - and he knows me. Knows that I need LOW maintenance. Like, lower than Flo-Rida's pants low. The house came with sod in the front, dirt in the back (kind of a house mullet?). So my friend put in a tree, couple of bushes, and some mulch. Fine. I went out and bought a couple of flats of annuals (who named them that, anyway, it's damn confusing) and promptly killed most of them because I didn't plant them right away. Who knew. Obviously not me. I had the best of intentions. That counts, right?
Next, the grass. I bought a bag that says it covers 1,000 sq. feet. My whole lot is 5,000 - so I figured that would be enough - got a cup, started throwing it out - and ran out not even halfway through. You would think that then I might have stopped? No. I go and get the 7lb bag that says it covers 3,000 sq. feet and use all that up. I think I got everywhere, I'm not sure. Next, I'm told to water the shit out of it - OK - so by watering the shit out of it, does that mean flood my yard? Because that's pretty much what I've done. And of course - I don't do it in the logical way, so every time I go to pick up the sprinkler (I have 3, none seem to be working correctly) I have to walk through MUD. One spigot is leaking (note to self, call home builder), my house is so close to my neighbors that I can't water the grass between the houses without watering both of our houses, his air conditioning unit, and all of our windows.
I keep finding puddles with grass seed floating in them. I feel like Frankenstein, outside yelling "LIVE!! LIVE!!! LIVE!!!"...
I may have planted sunflower seeds here up close to the house
those are vegetables, we'll see if they live
This is where the grass is - note how wet the ground is? Is that what "soak the shit out of it" means?? Oh, and at the corner of the filthy patio? That is a peony - I planted one at both outer corners. They'd better live, they're my favorites. I'll be pissed if they die. PISSED I tell you!
What the hell was I thinking?!?!?!?!?
He he. I want pictures. Too funny Kathy.
This is what I went through with my first attempt at landscaping when we lived in CA. We lived on an AFB and if we didn't water and maintain the lawn, the ex-husband got written up. (I may or may not have lied about how much I watered.) It made no sense at all to me to use up precious water for a stupid lawn. When we got a dog, she dug it all up anyway.
I don't mind watering it - it needs it, and that's fine - I understand that. But I seriously have 3 sprinklers. One is the back and forth kind - that goes back and forth and then gets stuck. And then when I go to move it, it works again. The other two are the ones that go round in a circle. One is aimed higher than my windows and goes 25MPH and I can't figure out how to fix it. I'm not sure about the other one. I'm going to have to try it again. LOL
OK - I watered it AGAIN and there is such a big puddle out there, a bird is taking a fucking BATH!!! grrrrrrrr I'm shutting off all sprinklers and praying for rain.
I leave all that shit up to the hubby.... I'm useless in the yard... expect for mowing..I like mowing the lawn...
This post was too funny!! I'll come over and get your lawn started!! I did it once I'm sure I can do it again!!
Maybe you got a bit overwhelmed? LOL
Staci - come on over. Crissy - if I had a hubby - I'd leave it up to him. But it's just me and a 12 year old that can't clean up after himself, there's no way he'd be useful. LOL And Gaston - I'm trying! I hope that I have grass!!
I'm so impressed that you're growing real grass. If it weren't for weeds, we wouldn't have a lawn at all.
SMB - there's stuff growing, I'm just not sure what yet! LOL I'm going to have to post new pictures..
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