He's had a great summer, probably one of his best yet. I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that he'd agree with me. He got to spend time with Grandpa (aka "Punky") and Linda, me, his cousins, the ocean, Fenway Park and by himself. :)
For me??? WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! Maybe the house will now stay clean for more than 3 hours LOL Hopefully I'll find the time now to finish some half-done projects like painting the walls. Finding storage solutions (what kind of new-home builder puts in two full baths and NO linen closet??), figure out how the car will get into the garage once the snow starts to fly. I may have to lose the ping-pong table
that still hasn't been used. I think it's fixed now, though. We just haven't tried it.
Maybe I'll make him pancakes for breakfast when he wakes up. Soften the blow a little bit when I remind him that school starts tomorrow. hee hee hee
Oh don't lose the Ping Pong table I love ping pong and I never get to play. I am coming over so we can. Yes, another summer has come and gone and the kids are heading back to school! Insert Matchbox 20 Closing Time right here. Happy Labor Day
I hope I won't - but I have a 1 car garage, and it's narrow so either I lose the shelves, or I lose the table. I may see if I can get it upstairs into the rec room. That might work :)
And good song choice! I like it! Happy Labor Day to you, too :)
Ping pong is my favorite.
Love the photo.
Happy back to school, Josh!
Do I detect an evil grin with that hee, hee, hee?
Heck yeah!!! LOL
He's out like a light now. I think he's a little nervous, too. Backpack and clothes all set out.
School starts here on Thursday. I'm not looking forward to the more rigid routine, but I am looking forward to some time to myself ... and as you said - the possibility of the house staying clean for a few minutes at a time!
We all need a break now and then and you mothers only get a bit during school. I so remember feeling the same way!
So sad when summer ends. Come back!
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