I was sitting there at the computer, playing Bejeweled - which, by the way, I am addicted to - and I had a good game going, too. I hear this scream "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! (that's the long, drawn out MOM, not moo-m) and I can tell by the tone that it's not good.
I run outside and he comes running up to me, face covered in blood, spitting it out. Screaming. Hysterically. I thought fleetingly of slapping him to calm him down, but realized that wouldn't happen. I finally get out of him that he got whacked in the face (still not sure yet WHERE) with a plastic toy gun. The blood is still gushing everywhere. For those that don't know - head wounds bleed. A LOT.
I finally get a look at what is bleeding and he's got a good gash on his forehead. I have him hold the towel to the cut, and tell him to get his ass in the car. I could tell that he'd need stitches. Once in the car, he realizes that he's going to the ER and that probably isn't a good thing, because there might be more pain involved. He starts to hyperventilate, moan, you name it. And me? I'm trying my best not to LAUGH. Does that make me a bad parent?
He ended up with 5 stitches. He actually, once he calmed down, was fine. Said the whole process was cool - and even thought that if it happened before Halloween he could have been Harry Potter.
Oy vey...
No more nerf guns when it's dark out. The poor kid that hit him, by accident, felt horrible. And I was saying to him - I KNOW it was an accident, just tell me what happened!!!
Here he is in all his cuteness. And it's not that swollen, that was more lidocaine than anything.

Ouch. Poor buddy.
I can't tell you how many times I've taken A-boy to the ER. Have lost count.
please dont scare me like that.....LOL
Im glad everything is better...jeesh
Ouch. I hope laughing doesn't make you a bad mother. I do the same thing. Oh, the drama!
Sam - I laughed my ASS off once they covered up his eyes. He almost caught me, thank goodness he didn't! Erin - I know :( and Trey - sorry! lol He's fine. He's going to have one heck of a scar, though.
Holy crap!!! I wish that my mom would have laughed sometimes! She always made it feel worse by panicking.
Scary stuff. Head wounds freak me out because they bleed so badly.
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