Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, new post...

Happy New Year! 
So I've decided either to get my hand on my ass and start blogging again, or delete it.  We'll see how things go over the next couple of weeks and I'll decide then.   I have no classes going on at the moment, but lots of projects that need to get done, and maybe I'll be able to juggle them all.  Life has been hectic at times, very slow at others. 

I'm trying to teach the boy about thinking about others - which is more of a challenge than I expected.  He's so self-centered sometimes, and has absolutely no regard of his actions affecting others.  Reminds me of someone that I spent a couple of years with that apparently rubbed off more than I thought.   Also trying to get him to understand the value of money, and things like when he cooks a whole bagel but only eats half (throwing out the other half) that's wasting money.  My money.  That I work hard for. 

Which brings me to work.  I should start a blog called "Shit defendants say"..  I have been amazed sometimes at what comes out of people's mouths.  And how they smell.  Do people not realize that they smell like an onion pizza (or worse) after not showering for weeks on end?  And really?  Don't call your son's father your "baby-daddy".  It only makes you look dumb.   Same for your son's mother.  "Baby mama" =  Dumb.

I'll save more of that for later.

Happy New Year!


Pseudo said...

Oh. I think you should blog about work. Sounds like lots of blog fodder to me.

And the boy, young teen right? As an 8th grade teacher, I have to say it comes with the age a bit, they are extremely self involved. Glad of the parents working for a change though. My boy is barely coming out of that phase (18).


Smart Mouth Broad said...

Happy New Year, Kathy. Looking forward to hearing more about shit defendants say in 2011. Sounds like a great theme.

K Dubs said...

Ahhh work is an endless supply of blog fodder. lol
And yes, Pseudo - he's 14. Very self-involved. I may have to kill him if it stays like this. lol

Happy New Year to you, too SMB! I was watching some biker show on TV last night and thought of your great adventure!

cheatymoon said...

Hi!! So glad you are going to blog again.

We should talk off blog regarding teens and entitlement.

cheatymoon said...

Also Happy New Year. Also, I am 100% with you on the throwing away half a bagel thing - gets me all the time.


K Dubs said...

Sounds like a plan, E. :)