Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins :)

Click here to play along!

1. When I was 10 years old I wanted to be a princess, a teacher, a movie star and a mother.  I got one of them right! LOL

2. Corn is my favorite vegetable because of the sweet corn man.  You have no idea of how good this stuff is.  I buy at least 2 doz ears and cut/freeze them for the winter.  Corn chowdah, chili, all sorts of good stuff benefits from the sweet corn man's expertise!

3. My dream pet is a dog that doesn't eat my house. LOL  But I have to say that the cat we have now (Ninja) is pretty cool.

4. When you are a good person, love surrounds you. When you are not a good person and live your life by lies and deception, negativity surrounds you.  I choose love.  I choose to live a good life.  I choose to lead by example and have my son be surrounded by people that love him in the hopes that he will grow up to be a better person than me (and I don't have to hope he'll grow up to be a better person than his father - he already is one).

5. If I could live anywhere in the world I'd live in the Cape during the summer, and I'm not sure during the winter.  I love Seattle.  I think I'd choose there.  It is so beautiful, surrounded by mountains and the ocean.  That is what I crave.  Michigan is so darn flat (where I am at least).  LOL

6. The good life keep on shinin' on me. In spite of my financial issues, I do have a good life.  I am surrounded by good people, good friends, good job (albeit a bit boring, but it's a good one) and some interesting potential dates.. :)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing and getting ready for tomorrow my plans include garage sale in the rain (yet again!!) and Sunday, I want to maybe cookout, depending on the weather.  It is, after all, Labor Day!!
Enjoy the long weekend everyone!

1 comment:

cheatymoon said...

Number four. Good answer.

Have a fabulous weekend. We were going to try to travel, but think it will just be too exhausting. So relaxing is in order.

