Saturday, January 14, 2012

I just can't quit you.....

1. Have you ever still been in a relationship that you knew was ending, but you hung in with it anyway? If yes, why?
oh Whatever.  Fine.  Yesssssss...  My son adored him.  Bad excuse, I know.   The other time?  Because I loved him.  Apparently way more than he loved me.  Or himself.  Whoops.  My bad.   I got pregnant during that time, too.  That really brought out the true him. 

2. Tell why people around the world should be completely enthralled by you.
Um, hello - DUH... Because I'm awesome.  And funny.  And a pretty pretty princess. 

3. Other than where you live, what's your favorite city and why?
Who ever said where I live is my favorite city?  How about where I'm from (Boston) and my other favorite city is Seattle.  Oh it's just gorgeous there.  And clean.  With the mountains.  And ocean.  And it's pretty.  Did I mention that it's gorgeous there?

4. What is something you are really passionate about?
Wine.  I'm really loving wine these days.  I mean, shit - I'm single.  I can't be passionate about my kid - that'd be just downright creepy.  So I choose wine.  Wine is good - doesn't talk back, doesn't bitch.  And if you have enough - it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

5. What has been your most exciting prize that you've won?
$500 the day before I went on a vacation.  That was pretty cool.

6. Do you think there was there a second gunman behind the grassy knoll?
De Tonndorfer Toorvart is einfach grossartich.  What the hell kind of question is that?

7. What was the silliest, most fun, crazy or impractical gift that you received?
Had I been able to cash them in - my "gift certificates" for my 40th birthday.  I still have them somewhere.  They would have been awesome.  But nooooooooooooo..... we had to break up before I collected.  My bad.  But now I can say he gave me nothing for my 40th, right? LOL

8. What was the most practical gift that you received?
Toaster oven.  I think it was the first time I was out living on my own, and my mother gave it to me for Christmas.  I was so geeked.  I should have known then that my kitchen obsession would never end. 

9. What blogger has been in your blogroll the longest? How did you discover them?
Erin.  We met online through a single moms group - holy SHIT it'll be 16 years in April.  Wow.  And she's one of my besties - <3 her!  :)


I am Harriet said...

YAY! Pretty princess! I should have said that too.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

Bud Fisher said...

500 bucks before vacation is WAY cool...

Anonymous said...

You ARE a pretty princess. Also, tho it feels like 16, it's 15. ;-)