Thursday, February 2, 2012

People I want to punch in the face....


- myself, sometimes.  Especially today.  No supervisors so I brought a book.  Janet Evanovich's "Explosive Eighteen".  Start reading it, realize that I never read "Smokin' Seventeen".. Whatthefuckever...  Fine.  I'll go to the library.

- P at work.  Just for being dumb. Really dumb.  And someone actually gave her a Masters Degree?  Really??

- S at work.  Same thing.  Only she's obnoxious about it - and for some reason has diarrhea of the mouth lately.  At least once a day I have to save someone from her by calling them from my cell and feigning some sort of disaster..

 - people that can't drive.  Get the hell out of my way, moron.

- Stupid people.  no.  Really.  Twice.  Just because they're f'ing dumb.   And then even another time for those that reproduce and further the stupidity in their spawn....

- my son's father.  Just because and on principle.  And then the rest of his family, too (that know about the boy and ignore his existence).  Because they're all dumb.  Or stupid.  Or both. 

-  ALS.  I'd like to punch it in the face for invading my brother's body.  if it had a face, that is.   Stupid ALS. 

 - Rich people.  They' all crazy.  And don't share.  I miss when I was rich......

Enough for today..

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