Monday, May 7, 2012

I always feel like... somebody's watching me...

Sunday Stealing: The Get Out of Jail Free Meme, Part One

1.  When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you use the restroom?
Nope.   I don't spray either. 

2. If you have to go grocery shopping, would you rather go alone or with someone?
Depends.  Sometimes it's fun with a partner in crime, sometimes you just want to get a couple of things and it's quicker alone.

3. It's your best friends birthday, would you buy them a gift even though they didn't buy you one for yours
Yup.  My friends and I are good like that.  Sometimes we do gifts, sometimes we don't.  Depends on whether we're "rich" that week or not.  LOL
4. You win the lottery. Lump sum or small payments over a period of time? Why?
Lump sum, baby.  Then I can disappear. 
5. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?
Depends on the music.  Like AC/DC's "Thunder" should be played at max sound, as should a number of ZZ top songs..  but music like Kenny G or even Taylor Swift?  Not so much..
6. Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person?
Gimme a beach chair, a book and a shore and I am good to go.  :)


cheatymoon said...

I usually like my music at an unreasonable level. That's the 46 going on 14 part of me...


jennifer anderson said...

i like the answer about the friends birthday...!