Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored
by Bud Weiser.
Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the
blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the
most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the
expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we try
to credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the
blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the
victim's meme. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") Sometimes we edit the
original meme, to make it more relevant to our global players, to
challenge our players, to select the best questions, or simply to make
it less repetitive from this new meme or recently asked questions from a
previously featured meme.
Let's go!!!
From Sweet Memes, our friend CAT!:
Travel anywhere, where would it be?
Cruise around the world. I mean, really - if money's no object.. why not?
Meet anyone, who would it be?
I've come close to meeting Bruce, touched him even, but I would really really love to sit and drink with Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert. That would be so much fun..
Bring anyone dead back to life, who would it be?
Be anyone for a day, who would it be?
The Queen of England. Why not?
Get anything for free for the rest of your life what would it be?
Gas. LOL
Change one thing about your life what would it be?
Not sure, to change things would change where I am today, and I kind of like where I am today..
Have any superpower what would it be?
the Cloak of Invisibility. That would be AWEsome!
Be any animal for a day which would you be?
A bald eagle
Date anyone who would it be?
Shit, I'd just be happy for a date right now. LOL
Change one thing about the world what would it be?
Tolerance. People should be more tolerant of others and their differences. Stop fighting.
Live in any fictional universe which would you choose?
Eliminate one of your human needs which would you get rid of?
The need to pee every 45 minutes. Damn that's a pain in my ass!
Change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be?
I've had Bell's Palsy twice, and it's gone away for the most part, but I have a droop in my left eye. I'd like that to go away please..
Change one of your personality traits which would you choose?
None of 'em!
Be talented at anything instantly what would you choose?
I'm already Queen of England, isn't that talent enough?
Forget one event in your life which would you choose?
Doesn't matter- I was drinking tequila, it's all still fuzzy..
Erase an event from history (make it so it never happened) which would you choose?
Having read Stephen King's book about JFK, I'm not sure I'd erase any of them. The Holocaust would be a top choice, though. Too many good people gone, all but for the mind of a madman..
Have any hair/eye/skin color, which would you choose?
I'm good.
Be any weight/body type, which would you choose?
I'd like to look like Giselle Bundchen. But then I'd be so busy with dates I wouldn't have time for myself. LOL
Live in any country/city, where would you choose?
I'll let you know when I come back from my world cruise. Seattle is up there, though..
Change one law in your country, which would you change?
Not so much a law, but everyone should have the right to marry who they choose. It's not up to me or anyone else to choose that for them.
Be any height, which would you choose?
Giselle Bundchen's
Have any job in the world, which would you choose?
I would make a damn good detective.. just sayin'..
Have anything appear in your pocket right now, what would it be?
A few hundred dollar bills would be nice!
Have anyone beside you right now, who would it be?
The man about to give me the cloak of invisibility, of course!
I finally have a day "off"... kind of. I'm prepping for my lovely colonoscopy tomorrow. Not a day when you really want to be far from the house. Or the bathroom, even. And just an FYI? I'm rethinking the sleeping in instead of having breakfast before 8am. Now I'm hungry. LOL
Happy Sunday!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Adventure time? LOL
I Feel the Earth Move

1) This song is from the album Tapestry, one of the all-time best-sellers (more than 25,000,000 copies sold worldwide). Is it in your collection?
I actually used to own the 8 track. LOL How's that for dating myself? One of my favorites!
2) It's about that glorious passion you feel when you first fall for someone. How many times have you been in love?
hmmmmm.... I've been in lust a number of times, but earth-quaking, booty shaking love love? Twice.
3) San Francisco radio stations briefly removed "I Feel the Earth Move" from their playlists after the 1989 earthquake. Have you ever been in an earthquake and literally felt "the earth move under your feet?"
No. Bummer.
Carole King is the first and only woman to win the Gershwin Prize for
songwriting from the Library of Congress. Here's your chance to brag a
little -- tell us about an accolade you have received.
I won honorable mention in a photography contest once. a LONG time ago. LOL
5) Carole wrote "You've Got a Friend," which was a mega hit for her good pal, James Taylor. King and Taylor have known one another for more than 40 years, but have never been romantically involved. Do you have any platonic friends of the opposite sex?
I won honorable mention in a photography contest once. a LONG time ago. LOL
5) Carole wrote "You've Got a Friend," which was a mega hit for her good pal, James Taylor. King and Taylor have known one another for more than 40 years, but have never been romantically involved. Do you have any platonic friends of the opposite sex?
Yup. And it's not even like Harry met Sally. We're really just friends.
6) Like more than 80% of the population, Carole is right handed. Are you right handed, left handed (10%) or that most rare of all, ambidextrous (less than 10%)?
I can write with both hands, and do some things righty, some lefty - so I guess I'm one of the less than 10%..
7) One of Carole King's earliest hits was Little Eva's "The Loco-Motion." Little Eva was the teenager King hired to care for her young children. Tell us about a sitter who cared for you when you were little.
6) Like more than 80% of the population, Carole is right handed. Are you right handed, left handed (10%) or that most rare of all, ambidextrous (less than 10%)?
I can write with both hands, and do some things righty, some lefty - so I guess I'm one of the less than 10%..
7) One of Carole King's earliest hits was Little Eva's "The Loco-Motion." Little Eva was the teenager King hired to care for her young children. Tell us about a sitter who cared for you when you were little.
Wait, I'm supposed to remember that shit? Hells no..
8) Beautiful
is the title of the Broadway play about Carole King's life. If we were
producing your lifestory, what would you want us to call it?Aaaaaaaaaaadventure Time!
9) Carole wrote "Pleasant Valley Sunday," the Monkees' song about conspicuous consumption. When Crazy Sam looks at her crowded shelf of hair products (paraben-free conditioner, keratin-restoring conditioner, hair masque, hot oil conditioner …), she realizes she's guilty of it herself. Have you bought anything recently that you later decided was a waste of money?
Yeah. I got the boy some pub chips with his grilled cheese last week. He didn't like them. I knew I should have gotten the cottage cheese! LOL
Sunday, June 22, 2014
The Coach Store salespeople are dumb sometimes....
90, part three
Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we try to credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's meme. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") Sometimes we edit the original meme, to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, to select the best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from this new meme or recently asked questions from a previously featured meme.
Let's go!!!
From Survey Haven:
61. Do you like current pop stars?
Like as in, like-like? Like I will die if Justin "put your damn shirt on and pull your stupid pants up" Bieber ever looked at me? Or like as in "meh, I can stand what this person is passing off as music". Which brings me to this. How many of these pop stars can actually sing?? As in - take away the synthesizers, take away all the bubblegum bullshit - put them on a stage with a guitar and a microphone. How many can SING?? Right? Not that many.. There's a reason why they lip-synch.
62. What is your least favorite chore?
Seeing as how *I* own the house, I'm the one that delegates the chores, right? Chores. My mother used to make me trim the hedges. I HATED trimming the hedges. I butchered them so bad - every single time - on purpose. She'd get pissed, my father would have to "fix" them - and I'd tell her - every single time - I HATE doing this, I don't know how to do it right, and get one of the boys to do it (you see, in my house, boys were allowed to sit on their asses all day and do nothing, the females did all the work) - needless to say, I did it so bad one time, that was the end of it. And that became the "go vacuum the stairs" time. Ugh.
63. Last place you drove your car?
That would be into my driveway. What are we, 17?
64. Ever been out of the country? Why yes, a number of times. You? Greece, Ireland, London, Canada (many times), tropical islands, Mexico... blah blah blah...
65. Where were you the last time you used a public bathroom?
Where were you the last time you bought a condom? Come on now!
66. Could you handle being in the military? You can't handle the truth!
67. What is your average cell phone bill?
The amount that I've agreed to pay each month.
68. Who or what are you thinking about right now?
How dumb some of these questions are!
69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard? I laugh every day - it's what makes the world go 'round, don'tcha know..
70. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I'm not really a shoe person, I'm more of a purse gal. And I lean towards Coach purses. Except the one time I was with my friend Ashley at the Coach store in Chicago.. I had plans of buying one, if not two purses, and the salespeople walked past me to talk to my tall skinny (and very very broke) friend Ashley. I, not being tall or thin, was completely overlooked and ignored. As we walked out, I grabbed the manager and told her that not only had she lost a customer - I'd make sure that other people knew about how they treated me as well. I refuse to go to that store again (and in reality none of the bimbos probably work there any more) - but I still love my Coach and buy online. Coach outlet? So dangerous... So wait. Where were we? Oh. Not enough to justify a closet of their own.
71. Are your toes always painted?
Um, no
72. How many piercings do you have? Enough to make your Dad happy
73. What are you doing today? Your dad
74. Have you ever been gambling?
Yeah, today I'm gambling that your Mom won't be home LOL
75. When is the last time you updated your blog? Right. This. Second.
I decided not to answer 76 - 90. This one was dumb. I'm sorry. LOL
Although, I did like the last couple of questions. YES, I'm happy with my life right now. I have a job - it may not be my dream job, but it pays the bills. I'm working on that - but at least I'm proactive about it, not sitting and beyotching about it. I have a home. Same thing - not my dream house, but it's a roof over my head and provides shelter for myself and my son. I have my son. He's such an awesome kid, it kills me. Although right now he hasn't had a shower in a couple of days, and his teeth look fuzzy. Anywhoooo - yeah. I'm a happy person. :) There are always things that could be improved, but there are lots of things that could be worse.
Also, if I could be anywhere right now? Beach. Ocean. Ahhhhhhhhhh....
Happy Sunday - I actually got to sleep in today. THAT makes me a happy happy person.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
You mean it's not about a Corvette?
Saturday 9: LIttle Red Corvette
(recommended by Smellyann)
No link this week. Prince apparently is very strict about copyright infringement.
No link this week. Prince apparently is very strict about copyright infringement.
Not for nothing, but Prince is really a short little freaky deaky ding dong man...
1) The subject of this song is frankly sexual. Do you blush easily?
What? I thought it was about a car? Oh Jesus....
1) The subject of this song is frankly sexual. Do you blush easily?
What? I thought it was about a car? Oh Jesus....
2) Prince is his real name (Prince Rogers, to be exact). Growing up, his relatives called him "Skipper." Do you have any nicknames within your family?
Some... For years my siblings called me "bubble butt".. (and you wonder why I don't speak to them any more??) My mother called my brothers Booboos I and Booboos II. Not sure about the other one. I just call her "bitch"...
3) Prince says he's "obsessed" with Mozart and reads whatever he can find about the composer. What's the last book you read?
3) Prince says he's "obsessed" with Mozart and reads whatever he can find about the composer. What's the last book you read?
Some stupid one on my iPad. I forget the name of it. Now I'm reading The Circle. Weird.
4) Between Prince and The Beach Boys, the Corvette is a much sung-about car. Tell us about your vehicle.
4) Between Prince and The Beach Boys, the Corvette is a much sung-about car. Tell us about your vehicle.
Seriously? Take a look at the finest that Jeep has to offer... my Lucy 2.0. She's a pretty girl, and loves to drive with her top off. She was born in 2007, and I bought her a month or so ago - and she's still got less than 5,000 miles on her. I'm taking care of that soon.. LOL
5) In the 1980s, when Prince was popular, MTV could turn a song into a hit. In 2014, how do you hear new music?
5) In the 1980s, when Prince was popular, MTV could turn a song into a hit. In 2014, how do you hear new music?
Through my ears??? What kind of a silly question is that.... pshaw!
6) In 1982, when "Little Red Corvette" ruled the airwaves, Braniff Airways shocked the travel industry and threw passengers into chaos by declaring bankruptcy. When did you last fly? Did your trip go smoothly?
I flew back to Boston for my HS reunion in November. Smooth like buttah!
7) 1982 is also the year Disney opened Epcot. Have you ever been to a Disney park?
HAH! I went to Disney WORLD when they still used tickets to get in. I was in 2nd grade, just a young pup. I can't remember how many times I've been, but I've taken Josh there twice, and we've been to Disney Land once. I'm due. LOL
8) 1982 is the year Cheers premiered. The sitcom was set in a bar where "everybody knows your name." Tell us about your favorite local bar or restaurant.
Well, first off - if you ever get to Boston, don't go to the Cheers bar. It's not the right one. That one is just a tourist trap. I have a few local watering holes that I like. Depends on the mood. :)
9) The 1980s were considered a highpoint in professional tennis, with Jimmy Connors and John McEnroe dominating the sport. Do you play tennis?
No. I think tennis is boring. I'd rather do naked mud wrestling or something like that. Oh. Wait. Whoops?
Still crazy busy, but it's a good crazy busy. Hope everyone is well!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
exactly how busy IS a one-armed paper hanger?
Welcome to Saturday: 9.
What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions
every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times
the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random
questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants
posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your
choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!
If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.
1) Eddie Fisher starred in a popular 1950s TV show, which was sponsored by Coca Cola. Do you have a favorite soft drink?
Diet Coke, but I'm not a huge soda drinking. I would rather just drink water..
2) He was notorious for leaving his famous first wife for his very famous second wife. Can you name either of the women involved in this Hollywood scandal?
Oh come on now, we all know her by those eyes (well, yeah - and other things LOL) ....Elizabeth Taylor!
If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.
Diet Coke, but I'm not a huge soda drinking. I would rather just drink water..
2) He was notorious for leaving his famous first wife for his very famous second wife. Can you name either of the women involved in this Hollywood scandal?
Oh come on now, we all know her by those eyes (well, yeah - and other things LOL) ....Elizabeth Taylor!
3) His oldest daughter, Carrie Fisher, is best known as Princess Leia from Star Wars. Are you a sci-fi fan?
4) Since Sam's father is particular about his footwear and likes "a good pair of Cole Haan loafers," her Father's Day present to him is a DSW gift card. If we were to give you a gift card to any store or restaurant, which would you choose?
Oh, I'd take Home Depot or Lowes any time. LOL
5) Sam's father hates it when she swears. When is the last time your cursed?
I don't fucking know...
6) Sam's father is a voracious reader. So much so that the local librarian knows him on sight and by name. How often do you visit your neighborhood library?
Not often enough, but now I'm into reading books on my iPad, so probably even less than I would before. I love the technology, but hate that it's phasing out so many things that are near and dear. But that reminds me of a story... I went to library school instead of nursery school (or maybe in addition, I'm not sure - I just know my mother wanted me OUT of the house LOL) and I got in trouble every time I was there for taking off my shoes. Look, I still hate wearing them. Dammit.
4) Since Sam's father is particular about his footwear and likes "a good pair of Cole Haan loafers," her Father's Day present to him is a DSW gift card. If we were to give you a gift card to any store or restaurant, which would you choose?
Oh, I'd take Home Depot or Lowes any time. LOL
5) Sam's father hates it when she swears. When is the last time your cursed?
I don't fucking know...
6) Sam's father is a voracious reader. So much so that the local librarian knows him on sight and by name. How often do you visit your neighborhood library?
Not often enough, but now I'm into reading books on my iPad, so probably even less than I would before. I love the technology, but hate that it's phasing out so many things that are near and dear. But that reminds me of a story... I went to library school instead of nursery school (or maybe in addition, I'm not sure - I just know my mother wanted me OUT of the house LOL) and I got in trouble every time I was there for taking off my shoes. Look, I still hate wearing them. Dammit.
"A good used car is a better investment than a new car." That's what
Sam's dad tells her when she's in the market for wheels. Share some
other words of financial wisdom with us.
If you can't pay cash, then think about whether or not you really REALLY need it..
8) Every car her father has ever owned had a pro-union bumper sticker. Do you have any bumper stickers on your vehicle?
8) Every car her father has ever owned had a pro-union bumper sticker. Do you have any bumper stickers on your vehicle?
Not yet on Lucy 2.0 - but on Lucy 1.0, I put all the good ones that I'd been saving. LOL
9) To celebrate Father's Day, Sam is giving away her father's favorite candy: LifeSavers. Would you prefer a roll of Wild Cherry, Butter Rum, Winter Green or Peppermint?
9) To celebrate Father's Day, Sam is giving away her father's favorite candy: LifeSavers. Would you prefer a roll of Wild Cherry, Butter Rum, Winter Green or Peppermint?
Meh... not a big candy fan either. Can I maybe have a piece of chocolate?
I've been busier than a one-armed paper hanger lately! I did Relay for Life one weekend, then worked at a music festival another - I feel like today is the first time I actually have to sit down!
I've got two baseball players staying at my house, which makes my inner Aunt Harriet happy (she was ALL about baseball). Lots of games - awesome! They're college age, so it's fun to watch, and they're great guys to have around. This weekend is the last of the graduation parties, and then I will have more time to breathe.. But I have to admit - it's kind of nice being so busy for a change!
Happy Weekend!
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