Saturday, December 26, 2015

Boxing Day!

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Happy Holidays! (from the archives)

1. As you can see, Sam loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. Yet some children are reluctant to climb into Jolly Old St. Nick's lap. Did you enjoy the tradition or were you shy? Or did you by pass it altogether -- either because you wrote him a letter or because your family didn't celebrate Christmas?

I have a picture somewhere of me on Santa's lap with my siblings.  No clue where it is.  Having two older siblings I didn't believe as long as I would have otherwise.  LOL 

2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there?

Depends on who you ask.  LOL  Actually, no.  I'm on the nice list.  I'm a nice person, dammit.  People like me.  When I'm not a nice person?  You've earned it.  Two things that will get me riled up?  Picking on other people that can't or won't defend themselves, and screwing with my kid.  I will Fuck.  You.  UP.

3. Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If so, which one traveled the farthest?


4. Did you buy yourself a gift this year? 

Why yes, I did!  I'm using it to fill out this meme!  My computer died (RIP computer) and the iPad wasn't cutting it for "real" internet use, so I got a laptop.  Apparently *nobody* buys a PC any more.  Whatever... LOL

5. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie?

It's a Wonderful Life

6. Thinking of movies, Christmas is lucrative for Hollywood. Have you ever gone to a movie theater on Christmas Day?

I used to go almost every year, but haven't in years. 

7. Have you ever suffered an embarrassing moment at the company Christmas party? 

I don't think so? 

8. What's your favorite beverage in cold weather?

Mmmmmmmm coffee.... or hot chocolate.

9. Share a memory from last Christmas.

Hmmmm I think that I wasn't feeling it last year, and went to the casino with what I was going to spend on Christmas presents.  I ended up winning like $300. Best non-Christmas ever!  I ended up getting the boy some presents.. LOL  And this year I went on Christmas Eve and won $1570.  Lucky me!  :)

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us next week for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Where else would we put the scratchies??

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme. 
Let's go!!!

Christmas Questions Meme

From the archives!

1. Have you been naughty or nice this year? 
Depends on who you ask LOL

2. What do you want most for Christmas? 
I love it when people tell the truth.  I guess I'm on a bit of a kick with that.  I'd like for all to be right with the world, and people to own up to their shit.  Like Steve Harvey, only better.  It sucks when you have to force your hand, but sometimes that's the only way it will happen..

3. What is your favorite Christmas movie? 
It's a Wonderful Life.  Hands down. 

4. How many Christmas cards do you normally send out? 
Ummmmmmmm I forgot this year?  A few.  To my peeps. 

5. Do you still get a stocking? 
Well THAT is a silly question!  Where else are we supposed to put the scratch tickets?

6. What is your favorite Christmas song? 
I have a few.  I love Vonda Shepherd's Christmas album.  Did you know that Robert Downey, Jr. could sing?

7. What is your favorite Christmas tv special? 
I dunno.  I'm special, does that count?

8. What is your favorite way to wrap gifts? 

9. What do you look forward to most at Christmas? 
Four.  Days.  OFF.

10. What did you do for Christmas this year? 
Considering that it's not until tomorrow, I'll hold off on that..

11. Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe? 

12. What kind of Christmas tree do you have? 

13. Did you take part in a Secret Santa? 
Not at work.  I tried to get people to do it, but so many work mobile now it just doesn't make sense. 

14. Did you go to any Christmas parties? 
Yup.  And I'm going to more, too.  Jealous?  People like me, and in case you didn't know - I'm kind of a big deal.  LOL

15. How early do you wake up on Christmas morning? 
I don't set an alarm.  The boy is 19.  It's all good.....

Merry Christmas all!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

I'd like a winning scratch ticket, please!

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme. 
Let's go!!!

Christmas Questions Meme

From the archives!

1. Have you been naughty or nice this year? Probably depends on who you ask.  LOL  But I guess for the most part, I've been nice.  Unless your name is Kevin.  Or Vinnie. 

2. What do you want most for Christmas? World peace?  For my son to be happy and healthy and live a long life?  Aren't these just daily wants though?  So for Christmas?  Hmm..  A winning lottery ticket!

3. What is your favorite Christmas movie? 
I love them all - but my all time favorite?  "It's a Wonderful Life".. ahhhhhhh ZuZu's petals...

4. How many Christmas cards do you normally send out? 
Oh, did you get mine?  No?  Whoops!  That's because I didn't send them!  I usually send out 30 or so?  But haven't had the time to get my ass in gear about them this year.   Maybe I'll send out "Happy New Year" cards :)

5. Do you still get a stocking? 
I don't "get" one, I have one. 

6. What is your favorite Christmas song? 
I'll be Home for Christmas.... wish I was going to be

7. What is your favorite Christmas tv special? 
No clue.  Maybe I'll watch the Hallmark channel or the Lifetime Women's Network and bawl my eyes out for a few days.  LOL 

8. What is your favorite way to wrap gifts? 
Neatly.  What kind of question is that?

9. What do you look forward to most at Christmas? 
Sleeping in. LOL

10. What did you do for Christmas this year? 
It hasn't happened yet, dammit!

11. Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe? 
What?  You have someone for me to meet??

12. What kind of Christmas tree do you have? 
Green.  Smells nice.  REAL. 

13. Did you take part in a Secret Santa? 
Not this year. 

14. Did you go to any Christmas parties? 
I went to one last night, as a fatter of mact!

15. How early do you wake up on Christmas morning? 
My "baby" is now 19.  He sleeps in longer than I do.  So I wake up when I wake up.  And it's going to be a busy Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday this week, so I think I might just sleep past 8:00!

Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Can you make bread pudding out of Fig Newtons?

Saturday 9: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (1979)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) According to a marketing research firm, this song is both one of the most played and most hated songs of the season. Do you like it?

I don't not like it.  I guess I'm a bit indifferent.  My favorite, though - is Dominick the Donkey.  Heard it?

2) In this song, Grandma's troubles start when she drinks too much eggnog. Do you like eggnog?

Mmmmmmmmmmm eggnog..... with a wee bit o' the Captain.  Yum.

3)  In the song, Grandpa recovers from losing Grandma by drinking beer and playing cards with Cousin Mel. Will you be celebrating the holidays with cousins?

No :(  I am missing the family Christmas this year.  Not enough time to take off, not enough money to drive or fly.  That makes me sad.  Great.  Now I'm sad.  

 4) When did you most recently drink a beer? Was it in a bottle, a can or a glass?

I may have to go drown my sorrows now that you've made me sad.  Thanks.  But I have some of the delightful Ben & Jerry's salted caramel brownie ale.  Now I'm happy.  I heart beer. 

5) The lyrics refer to "pudding of fig." In "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," the carolers demand figgy pudding. Yet despite its popularity in holiday songs, Sam has never tasted fig pudding. Have you?

Nope.  I like figs.  No, wait - I'm thinking of dates.  Oh, then again - there are Fig Newtons.  I like those.  Can you make pudding out of Fig Newtons?

6) Thinking of holiday sweets, would you prefer a gingerbread cookie or slice of pumpkin pie?

Why limit yourself to a slice?  Pumpkin, apple, pecan - hook a sister up, willya?

7) This song was recorded by a duo named Elmo & Patsy. It occurs to Sam that she has never met anyone named Elmo. How about you? Any Elmos in your life?

Tickle me Elmo.  That's about it 

8) Do you need snow to get "into the spirit?"

No.  I work at Home Depot.  We've been playing Christmas carols since the day after Thanksgiving.  I have caught myself singing along far too many times. 

 9) Random question: Are you going to get/have you gotten a flu shot this year?

I get one every year.  Don't get the flu.  Related?  You tell me....

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

The computer that I thought was dead, came back to life, and then died again.  It's either the hard drive or motherboard, and I said screw it.  My pictures are saved on Picasa.  I got a laptop.  Brand spankin' new.  Yay me. 

Happy Saturday!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Sad day..

Such a sad day today for so many.  My son's grandmother died, and her funeral is this morning.
She’d known about him (my son) since he was about 2 or 3.  I wrote her a letter and sent a picture.  Along with an explanation that I had a niece that I hadn’t seen since she was 2 and that I always worried about her, whether she was OK, healthy, loved, all that.  I didn’t want anyone to worry about that with him – or wonder where he was.  And each year I sent her a picture of him.  Told her if she didn’t want them to send them back.  I never got one back.   A couple of years ago I guess she went into a nursing home, and I stopped sending the pictures.  But I did send messages to her daughters (my son’s aunts) and let them know about my son – for the same reasons.  One blocked me on Facebook.  All three ignored the messages and have never reached out.  I also let his (half) siblings know about him.  Same reasons.  Same result.  Although one of them told me to fuck off and that it wasn't my story to tell.  It's not?  Then whose is it?  Your father's?  The pathological liar and cheater?  Yeah.  I don't think so.

Why did I feel it necessary to let all these people know about a child that they otherwise wouldn’t have known about?  Because his father is an asshole to the nth degree and would never have told them about him.  Do a search for Kevin – you’ll find the whole story. 

Anyway.  Kevin and his “fiancée” (that's hysterical in it's own right) Jeanne have made up stories about how my son came to be – and none of them involve the truth.   As well as stories about me – and why they should ignore any attempts at contact from me, and not contact my son.   I won’t bother with the truth here (I think it’s been posted numerous times)..  But let’s just say that the truth and the stories?  Not even close to reality. 

RIP Queenie. 

 I’m hoping that there is an afterlife, and that you now realize what your son took away from you.   And from everyone else in your family.   Because he’s such an awesome kid, and young man.  And shame on you Kevin.  Shame on YOU.  And I’m sorry about your mother.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Lies and the Liars that tell them

So, I know that I've written here about Kevin and crazy Jeanne (do a search, you'll find it all). 

I happened to be shown a picture that was of their fireplace, and at the bottom was a wooden box with "EST 2005" on it. 

Wait.  What??

Apparently that's when they tell people that they got together?  You know - the whole twuuuuuu wuvvvvvvvvv thing?

Um.  Yeah.  Let's try that again.

How about 2003?  That's when I caught the two of them cheating again on their respective spouses.  And I know that HER ex knows, but does his?

And is this what they tell all the kids (who really aren't kids any more)?  What, we happened to run into each other and oh my goodness, look at this child she looks just like YOU! 

Here's the thing.  Lies?  ALWAYS have a way of sneaking up and biting you in the ass.  Hard.  I know.  I've told a few whoppers in my time.  But I owned up to them. 

It's a shame that there are 5 kids that don't have the opportunity to know each other, because that would be inconvenient to explain.  Oh wait - I'm sorry.  Four of them know each other.  It's #5 that's the issue.  Because the story of how he came to be would poke wholes in the whole "twuuuuuuuuu wuvvvvvvvvvv" story.

Don't worry.  It'll get out there.  One way or another.

Oh, and his response when I called him out on this bullshit?  Hysterical.  Refused to answer any questions, and nitpicked over $25.  Really?  That's all you got?  Oh wait.  Yep.  That IS all you've got.  Because I've told the truth.  I'm not the one that can't keep it straight.

Also - I'm not the one that would say to an 18 year old "I'm done with you" when it's found out she had contact with her brother.

And these people are licensed foster parents?  Seriously?  Isn't there a mental health evaluation in there somewhere?

Newsflash....  I know that a reasonable person would know this?  BUT... for those that don't.  If you have to lie to ANYONE about when you got together, the circumstances, etc.?  Not good.  When you have to lie to your KIDS about their siblings (half or whole) - Not good.

When you shit your pants and start to panic because someone threatens to tell the truth to people that don't know it?

You might be a liar. 


Pants on fire.