Friday, December 18, 2015

Sad day..

Such a sad day today for so many.  My son's grandmother died, and her funeral is this morning.
She’d known about him (my son) since he was about 2 or 3.  I wrote her a letter and sent a picture.  Along with an explanation that I had a niece that I hadn’t seen since she was 2 and that I always worried about her, whether she was OK, healthy, loved, all that.  I didn’t want anyone to worry about that with him – or wonder where he was.  And each year I sent her a picture of him.  Told her if she didn’t want them to send them back.  I never got one back.   A couple of years ago I guess she went into a nursing home, and I stopped sending the pictures.  But I did send messages to her daughters (my son’s aunts) and let them know about my son – for the same reasons.  One blocked me on Facebook.  All three ignored the messages and have never reached out.  I also let his (half) siblings know about him.  Same reasons.  Same result.  Although one of them told me to fuck off and that it wasn't my story to tell.  It's not?  Then whose is it?  Your father's?  The pathological liar and cheater?  Yeah.  I don't think so.

Why did I feel it necessary to let all these people know about a child that they otherwise wouldn’t have known about?  Because his father is an asshole to the nth degree and would never have told them about him.  Do a search for Kevin – you’ll find the whole story. 

Anyway.  Kevin and his “fiancée” (that's hysterical in it's own right) Jeanne have made up stories about how my son came to be – and none of them involve the truth.   As well as stories about me – and why they should ignore any attempts at contact from me, and not contact my son.   I won’t bother with the truth here (I think it’s been posted numerous times)..  But let’s just say that the truth and the stories?  Not even close to reality. 

RIP Queenie. 

 I’m hoping that there is an afterlife, and that you now realize what your son took away from you.   And from everyone else in your family.   Because he’s such an awesome kid, and young man.  And shame on you Kevin.  Shame on YOU.  And I’m sorry about your mother.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

This is truly heartbreaking. But your son is lucky to have a mother who loves him to the moon.