The Valentines Edition :)
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What is your favorite candy?
Swiss chocolate. Or any chocolate, really. I have yet to met a chocolate that I don't get along with. I can show you proof - the last chocolate that I ate is still sticking out of my right ass-cheek, hasn't smoothed itself out yet. See, *I* love chocolate, my ass on the other hand - does NOT.
Oh, and lately - it's Swedish Fish. They're my cigarette substitute. They're fat free, right? Jeez........
Name one thing that you'd want to receive as a gift for Valentine's day.
A card that says "I love you Mom".. Only because I know that's what I'll get. I used to get flowers, but they'd be the day before or the day after (forgetful or frugal - you tell me) - and really, the price for flowers on VD (my my own special abbreviation for the Hallmark holiday) are ridiculously priced. Give me a night out, a bottle of wine and a bunch of scooty-bootin in the puckerbrush. But since I'm single and chances of that are slim and none and slim just left town - I'll take a hockey game on pink ice (check that out here) and a good book when I get home. :)
Can we truly love someone who loves another?
Ahhhhhh now this. THIS is a loaded question.. I thought that I truly loved someone. Once. But he only loved himself. I'm not going to go on a diatribe about his bad old self, but suffice it to say - when he got mad at me (for taking him to court to get child support, no less), he decided to take that out on his son and never see him again. 'Nuff said.
hmmm...what was that guy's name? Cos he sounds suspiciously like the ex Mr Thistle...
good answers...have a great week...
OMG...the word veri that came up for the next comment box was 'prick'
coincidence? I think not :)
Now that's funny!!
yeah, thistle, he is a prick.
BTW, both of you. I'm thinking of starting a private blog for invited readers & writers only. For spouting off about bosses, exes and children-who-drive-us crazy. Anyone interested?
I'm in!!
Chocolate is pure bliss!! I never get anything for V-day but that's alright...I'll settle for the "Hey Mom, you're the best" any day!
I like the new look and I think it just happened as I got here. It started loading as the old look and then BAM! Very cool special effects you go goin on here, Kathy.
I love chocolate too but won't even be bothered with milk chocolate. I gotta have the dark stuff.
Your "love" sounds like a real jerk face. Your son is better off without him.
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