I've found out that one girl on prom night actually lost her virginity in front of a whole bunch of us - who KNEW??? (and ew...)... not me.
That I looked pretty damn good at my 20th reunion - or at least in that one picture. LOL That was a good time, too - I did the walk of shame about 5AM and told my roommates at the hotel that I got back about 2 and had been SLEEPING that whole time... whoops.. ROFL (little did they know....)
It brings back memories of my date with Steve. A guy that I had been *seeing* back in the day when I thought sex equated love, boy did I learn a harsh lesson on that one. But that's a tale for another day.
My friend M.A. asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said "a *real* date with Steve"... Because we'd meet at the bar after work, get drunk and end up. well. You know... Certainly not dating in the real sense, certainly not *seeing* each other like I called it.. but anyway. That's what I wanted. A real date with Steve. And my birthday was on a Monday that year.
Let's start with the hair... I had multi-colored hair from perms, colors, highlights, you name it - I had a lot going on.
I spent Sunday coloring my hair. I thought I'd go with like a honey blonde, look cute for my *date* and Steve would just love me. Yeah. When the washing was done, I ended up with something along the color lines of this:
I cried. M.A. laughed. Our friend John said "nice olive drab there, Kath". And he was kind of a clueless guy, so if he noticed, everyone would....
So I found a salon on Monday that stripped everything out of it, then dyed it darker. Hair taken care of - but it was an omen that I should have listened to...
So cut to Monday night.
I get all dressed up in a miniskirt, put on stockings (you know, the ones that don't go all the way up) and borrow M.A.'s trench coat because it might rain. I was looking hot, or so I thought..
We go out to eat, lovely. Dinner was a bit forced - I don't think it was what Steve really wanted to do, but I give the guy credit - he did it. We go to the House of Blues for the Monday night bluesfest - which is awesome, all blues, all the time - no break between bands. I actually met Peter Wolf that night from J. Geils - and he's got the absolute WORST handshake of anyone I've ever met. Yuck. Anyway... Steve sits there and is being pensive or something - either way, he's not saying much to me. So I start talking to the guy next to me on the other side, telling him how I'm on a date with Steve, that I heart him, that he's not talking, blah blah blah blah blah - someone should have stuck a sock in my mouth - because the whole time, I'm drinking. And I didn't eat much dinner because I'm realizing that the date is not so much fun for Steve. So I drank more. And THEN the guy asks me if I want to see the upstairs which is backstage for them. So I say "SURE!"... not thinking anything of it. We go, he grabs my boob and tries to lock himself in the bathroom with me - scares the shit out of me, and somehow I escaped (literally). I go back downstairs and tell Steve what happened, and he's got no sympathy, telling me that he almost left me there. Huh? Remember, I'm drunk. I'm on a date with Steve - at my request, and I'm drunk. So I don't get why he'd be mad. I thought it was all innocent backstage. My bad. The guy was a dink. So then Steve stops talking to me altogether and we leave. The whole ride home - not a word. I think that was the end of he and I *seeing* each other, I'm not sure. There are a couple of years there that got a bit blurry...
But the comedic factor here? Is that M.A. STILL laughs about me getting out of his jeep and crossing the street toward our apartment, I've got mascara streaked down my face, drunk off my ass, with one stocking around my ankle and barely walking and she's all "how was your date?!!".. I think I told her to fuck off as I walked past her...
M.A.'s quote when I sent her a link to this blog?? "Do I remember? I still laugh thinking of you staggering out of the jeep with the stocking flapping around your ankle!!!!" Such a good friend, eh?
Ahhhhhhhh youth. What the hell was I thinking???
and Steve? Is happily married with 3 kids. We're friends on facebook now. LOL
I knew you were going to be friends on FB with him... Funny funny story. :-D
Great story. I have resisted facebook but then I'm still in touch with my hs friends. At least the ones that I want to be in touch with.
That last line is going to be the line for this decade.
"We're friends on Facebook now."
Fun story and I think I had the same 80's hair, at least the changing colors on a weekly basis.
BTW There is something for yuo over on my blog.
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