Today we ripped off a blogger named regular player, Kwizgiver, from her blog What If This Is As Good As It Gets? She doesn't say where she got it--but it was probably stolen from somewhere cool. Tracing back the thefts of those that we steal from could take a while. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!
The Wish List Meme, part one
1.) What are 3 things on your Wish list and why?
Totally about me - none of that world peace shit today #1 - a new camera - I love my Canon EOS SLR, but I want the newer one with more lenses (and all that was ONE thing); #2 - to lose 20 lbs without having to diet or give up good food, cuz God knows I love food, why does all the food I love have to be weight-gaining (or non-weight loss) food? Seriously.. ; and #3 - a job where I use my degree, get to know shit and get paid a lot of money for it. Yeah. That's it.
2.) What do you miss about your childhood?
Having to socialize with people face to face - no technology - and the biggest worry was whose house we were going to eat lunch at, because I really hope it's not mine, my mother is kind of mean and yells at me all the time, oh gosh let it be Karen's or DeeDee's..
3.) What do you do on your spare time on the weekends?
Well, I had some spare time this weekend and I uncovered all the Patty O'furniture. Cleaned the patio off. Sat in the sun for a bit. Went to Home Depot and poked around. Stuff like that. :)
4.) What do you appreciate most in your life?
The fact that I have a roof over my head, 2 legs to walk with, good friends and family that support me and a kid that cracks me up.
5.) Would you rather be rich or healthy?
Oh now this one is tough. If I were rich enough, I could pay for the best treatments to get myself healthy. BUT.. we're all going to die some day and if I were rich I could help out my friends and family before I died - and depending on how un-healthy I was, I'd get to enjoy that money, so yeah - I'll be shallow. Rich. But then I'd share. :)
6.) If you could go back in time would you and why?
I think I'd use the same answer from last week - I'd tell me to get the surgery sooner. And to save the money from the sale of the house in MA, not use it to live on - buy something sooner, but make sure you have an exit strategy. ALWAYS make sure you have an exit strategy or a Plan B - no matter how much you think things are as good as they can get!
7.) Favorite game as a child?
Lot's of 'em. Flashlight tag, when it snowed - sledding down the hill we lived on. THAT was the best hill ever. And if there were too many cars? We'd go to the Reed's hill. That was fun, too. :)
8.) What is your dream career?
Investigator. Seriously. I would LOVE to get paid to find out STUFF. You have no idea.. LOL
9.) What do you do in your free time?
stuff. creep around on Facebook. LOL Sleep. Clean my house - and right now, it's a MESS.. drink coffee.
10.) Favorite clothing stores?
LOFT - love the style and the way the sizes fit. :)
11.) What TV shows can't you live without?
LOST. Bring that bitch back. And change the ending. I didn't like it.
12.) 3 things you need in your life are:
Food, water and shelter. Those are the things that I need. Now if we went to things that I want - that'd be totally different. See question #1 for that.
13.) What can't you sleep without?
Apparently a good snore. My son just came and told me that I snore so loud it's crazy. Hmmph. I like my bed - it's pretty darn comfortable. I really can't sleep without a bed. Or my pillows.
14.) What are you currently a nerd for?
What or who? Because if it's a who, it's Adam Levine y'all. Mmm Mmmm MMMM... he is just... WOW.
15.) What is your favorite seasoning?
I go through phases.. Right now it's chipotle seasoning. I love it in sweet potatoes. Never tried it? You should - the mixture of sweet and spicy is nothing short of fabulous.
16.) What is your favorite wild animal?
Whichever one can't catch me and eat me? Seriously. I have no favorites.
17.) Name 3 of your favorite childhood shows:
Brady Bunch, Creature Double Feature and Lawrence Welk show - seriously. I loved it when-a Bobby and-a Cissy would-a dance-a.
18.) If you could live as a character in a movie who would it be?
I'm not sure. Why would I live inside a movie? I wouldn't be able to go outside my living area (because that would be the end of the set) and I'd be over after 2, maybe 3 hours. But if I could permanently be someone in a movie? Shoot... I don't know. Anything where I get to be filthy rich and Adam Levine is my husband. And I don't have wrinkles or chicken gizzard neck. LOL
Oh, and because he's been mentioned a few times today? Here you go. Oh, hot damn he's yummy..
19.) Favorite vegetable?
Mmmmm Corn on the cob. From the Sweet Corn Man. OMG delightful. Yum.
20.) Favorite Fruit?
hands down pineapple. But not that canned shit. Fresh stuff. I would love to go to Hawaii just to eat the pineapple that you can get there as a local. mmmmmm
21.) If you had a dragon what would you name it?
That's like naming a baby before you're pregnant! You can't do that! I'd have to see it first. Silly..
22.) What do you put on hotdogs?
Ketchup, mustard, relish, onion. mmmmmm But I also love a good Chicago Dog.
23.) Do you play online games?
Bejeweled is my bitch.
24.) What's your favorite way to get inspired?
Take a shower. Seriously - all my good ideas come while I'm in the shower. I don't know why!
25.) Do you have a middle name?
Yep. Do you?
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