1) Was last night a good night for you? Or were you singing the blues?
No, actually, I was painting a lot of different colors... see?

2) In this song, Rosemary Clooney sings about hearing "big talk" she didn't quite believe. What's the last fib, tall tale or out and out lie you heard?Hmmmm.... Could be any number of things. LOL It probably was the justification for eating dip at last night's painting event, where we discussed Weight Watchers points for the dip and yummy delightful treats we were eating. LOL
3) Rosemary Clooney has a well-known nephew -- George, the Oscar winner and frequent People magazine cover story. Do you have any nieces or nephews?
I have 4 nephews and one niece. I haven't seen my nephews in quite a while, but see my niece pretty regularly. She's awesome. The boys are awesome too, in their own ways, but my family is, shall we say, dysfunctional at best? Read the blog. You'll get it. LOL
4) Ms. Clooney married the same man twice. They married, had five children and divorced. Then three years later, they tried again ... and divorced again. Have you ever been tempted to give it another try with one of your former loves?HELLLLLLLLLL NAW.... Which reminds me, a guy that I went out with years and years and years ago got back in touch, wanting to talk about the one night we had - blah blah blah... he was looking to relive glory days or something - because when I told him that I like to know someone a bit better than I did in my 20's and asked him what he'd been up to the past 20 or so years? He dropped off the face of the earth. Or my phone. Whichever. Nice to know I had that impact, but my memory wasn't quite the same as his. LOL
5) Singers as diverse as Linda Ronstadt, Bette Midler and Amy Winehouse have said they admired and were influenced by Rosemary Clooney. If you could meet any artist (singer, writer, actor, director, painter, musician ...), who would it be?
While I would love love love to spend time with this man, it would be so much hero worship it wouldn't be funny. LOL I would really REALLY love to go out and have a few beers with Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert. Now that would be a story in the making. LOL
6) 1952, the year this record was a hit, is also the year the "Big Bang Theory" was introduced by physicists Ralph Alpher and George Gamow. That is too lofty a topic for this humble meme, so instead we'll just ask: Do you watch the TV show of the same name? When I can. FUNNY show!
7) Sam Winters just broke her right thumbnail. While she won't go so far as saying it has her singing the blues, she must admit it bugs her. What little annoyances are you dealing with today?It's only 9AM, let's not push it. It's actually a good day so far! The Boy is out having his first job interview (fingers crossed) and I'm going to get my hair done did. It's a good good day..
8) The house next door to Sam's has a FOR SALE on the lawn. Are you contemplating a move?
I'm ALWAYS contemplating a move. But while my heart will always be in Boston, my kid is in Michigan and that is where we stay. He'll be a senior next year, and after he graduates we shall see where we end up.
9) What's your search engine of choice: Google, Bing, Yahoo or Ask?
Google. Always google.
Hope everyone had a good week. Mine has been interesting, to say the least. I ended up with a bout of diverticulitis - which is the most God-awful pain ever. Not fun. Those little intestinal pockets apparently suck up seeds and then just wreak havoc on my system. But hey - on the up side, I've lost almost 10 lbs.
I made a decision this week to let the last of the "kids" know about their brother. She's 18 and was very angry - and justifiably so. It's just so unbelievable to me that people would continue to lie to their kids and play a charade for so long. While I in some respects, got what I wanted - which was that all his siblings know about him and can now make up their minds as to whether or not know him on their own, I didn't mean to upset her life, which I obviously did. What's done is done, though - I can't take it back. And hopefully her anger will be directed at who deserves it - rather than at the boy. I will never EVER understand why people feel the need to lie and cover things up - why not just be honest and up front about shit? It's so much easier, and in the long run - doesn't create so much bullshit.
Off my box.
Have a good weekend!
Oh, Kathy, I have so much to say about this post!
Re: your family -- I hear you! My mantra is now, "We're only as sick as our secrets." I was carrying a whopper around for decades because my relatives didn't want to know the truth about our pillar-of-the-community patriarch. He died in April and I can't tell you the freedom I finally feel! So my empathy for you is tremendous.
Re: The Boss. I met him once. Years ago. When "Hungry Heart" was on the charts. He was as nice as you'd want him to be. But he did seem confused by our idol worship. And that was decades ago, when he was just becoming mainstream. I bet your instincts are right and by now he just finds our fawning tiresome. (Though I bet he's still kind and polite.)
I would love to move out of MI! This past winter did me in! I want to move south or out west, I am ready for warm weather all the time! With both boys out of high school, and on their own, its time for a big change!! Happy Saturday!
Gal - thank you. It was a tough decision, but I knew that he would NEVER tell them. He would be happy if both of us never existed. It must be exhausting keeping such secrets, no wonder the man is a borderline alcoholic. But yay, for your freedom! I feel a sense of that now. And so cool about the Boss. He doesn't understand us Tramps. LOL Jodi - come on now, it's not THAT bad... :)
Secrets can be problematic. I felt a big relief when my mother died (and then guilt, but whatever). And I hope your son gets the job if he wants it.
I hope your son gets the job.
I absolutely LOVE your painting!
Wow, I love that painting! Good job! I hope you're fully recovered and feeling better.
Speedy recovery wishes headed your way.
Good gravy you had a rough week. Good luck with that.
oUch!! I hope that you can not have that happen again any time soon! Bleh! Good luck to your son in his job search.
I'll dance on the old man's grave someday.
I like your painting! I don't have talent with that. I hope you'll have a good weekend despite of everything
visiting from Saturday 9: http://www.redismarose.com/2014/05/saturday-9-blues-in-the-night/
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