Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

I'll admit it - I don't know how to do the Dougie.
2) This song was in the top 10 in 1972, which is also the year HBO was introduced. Do you have any premium cable channels?
No, but for the price I pay - I should!
3) Mother Winters taught Sam how to kill the lingering food smells in her microwave (take a bowl of water, add a few drops of vanilla extract, and heat it in the microwave). Do you have any useful household hints to pass along?
Oh, that's an awesome idea! Not really, but I have to clean this weekend, celebrating Mother's Day here with some sisters from another mother. :)
4) The French word for "mother" is "mère." What other French words do you know?
I am sure I could come up with a few swears. And what's that line from the Beatle's song? LOL
5) Flowers and plants are popular on Mother's Day. How is your yard or garden? Is it green and/or blooming?
Both! And after I mow, it will all be green. Including the weeds. And the dandelions, which there is a lovely swath of...
6) Mother's Day is a big holiday for card shops. So are birthdays, weddings, and St. Patrick's Day. Hallmark sells greetings for everything from "Congratulations on Your New Job" to "Happy Retirement." Who received the most recent card you bought?
I bought 2 cards for work for one of the bosses that are retiring. I don't know him. They were looking for money toward his gift. Nobody else in my offices knew him either. They didn't get squat. LOL
7) Have you put away your winter clothes yet?
I judge when it's time to put them away by whether or not it's time to put the top down on the Jeep. It's time. :)
8) Mother Winters used to scold Sam for leaving her dirty dishes in the sink. Sam admits it: as a grown up, she's still a bit of a slob. Do lean toward "neat" or "messy?"
I am much neater than the 17 year old in my house, who thinks that there is a maid. And when I clean up after him he will say "see, Mom - THAT is why I think there's a maid". The little shit. I may mess HIM up later. LOL
9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away candy bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or milk chocolate with almonds?
No chocolate for me this year. I'm doing Weight Watchers. Too many points. But if I HAD to choose? White chocolate with almonds, please. mmmmmmm
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there! I got myself a wonderful Mother's Day present - a new(ER) Jeep. Lucy 2.0 is being picked up this afternoon, Lucy 1.0 is being traded in. I found a 2007 Wrangler with only 2,500 miles on it. No, that's not a typo. It's so new, it still has stuff in the plastic wrap. Apparently someone bought it, drove it a couple thousand miles (really - not even broken in) and then died. The dealership picked it up at an auction - they got it from an estate sale. Even if I drive the crap out of this - it'll still be low miles when/if I went to sell it. Craziness.
"Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble,très bien ensemble." How could I have forgotten the French lesson taught to me by the Beatles? Shame on me!
I am so jealous! I want a Wrangler so I can take the top off!
I hope you can stop by and visit and maybe even sign up for my favorite color swap!
What a deal on the car! The gal got the words to Michelle before I could...way to go.
I was doing WW but stopped at Christmas and finally gave up the online payments because I wasn't using it. It does work but it doesn't really teach you how to eat well, and that is what I need. Good luck with it.
The best Mother's Day gifts are the ones we go out and buy. Trust me on this one.... :)
Wow--what a great deal on the Jeep!
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