Sunday, January 25, 2015

I couldn't live in Europe. Michelle would kill me.

Easy A-Z

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we try to credit the blog that we stole it from. We also provide a link to the victim's meme in our "Previous Victims" widget. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") Sometimes we edit the original meme, to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, to select the best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from this new meme or recently asked questions from a previously featured meme. 
Cheers to all of us thieves!!! 

Easy A-Z Meme 
Stolen from: FYeah Surveys
A. What are your favorite smells?
The desert after it rains, a baby just out of the bath, the ocean
B. Can you go a whole day without caffeine?
I could - the real question is - do you WANT me to?  Because that wouldn't be pretty.  Just saying..
C. Who knows more about you than anyone else?
Um, that would imply that someone knows more about me than ME.  That ain't happenin'....
D. What song did you last listen to?
OMG, I know it's overplayed already, but oh my goodness does it get me up and moving..
 E. Do you wear socks to bed?
Maaaaaybe if I'm sick, but that's one of those things that if it's off, will keep me awake. 
F. Can you change a car tire?
I CAN.  But would I?  Prolly not. 
G. If you could choose one color to wear for a whole year, what color would you choose?
Well, it wouldn't be white.  That's for sure.  Can't wear that Memorial Day to Labor Day.  Unless it's winter white, which my friend Carrie doesn't believe in.  So maybe pink.  But then would I have to wear pink pants?  Because those would be silly.  Especially if they had flamingos on them - the flamingos would get lost.  Maybe I'd go with blue.  There are lots of different shades, and nobody says you have to stick with one shade.  Right?
H. Do you cook often?
Mmmmmmm fooooooooooooooood.  Yum.   Of course I do.
I. What’s your least favorite season? I'm from New England.  I love 'em all.
J. Can you sew?
After 4 years in Home Ec class, I would hope so!  I even have my own sewing machine!
K. What is your favorite fruit? 

L. Are you health conscious?
Much more so than I was 10-15-20 years ago.  I want to live.  LIVE!  LIVE!  The women in my family have a tendency (other than my grandmother) to not live much past 50.  I'm turning 50 this year.  I'd like to be the one that takes after my grandmother. 
M. Do you think you’re very conscious of the feelings of others or more self oriented?
I try and do both, believe it or not

N. Do you curse a lot?
Oh fuck, no
O. Do you remember lyrics easily?
Up town funk you up, uptown funk you up.  Up town funk you up.  Uptown funk you up...
P. Can you roll your tongue?
AND I can raise one eyebrow! 
Q. Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason?
Not really?  Maybe sweets after dinner, but I'm working on that. 
R. What was the last book you purchased?
We will not discuss this purchasing of books.
S. Where was your last vacation?

T. Last movie you watched? Did you enjoy it?
Oceans 12.  Last night.  Very much!
U. Think of your oldest friend. If you met them now do you think you would still become friends?
We are STILL friends!  And if I met them now?  Probably! 
V. Paris, London and New York… which one would you live in, which would you visit for a day, which would you visit for a fortnight?
What is this "fortnight" business?  Paris for a Day, London for a "fortnight" and New York to live. I'm already too far away from my MA peeps.  I couldn't live in Europe.  Michelle would kill me.  LOL 
W. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?
Who thinks of these things?  I have a ginormous walk in closet - and it's always open.
X. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen?
Foot - being stupid.  Toe (I think?).  Nose - x 3.  Yes.  I'm serious.  Car accident, the boy's head and then boy being a jerk in the car.  LOL
Y. How do you like your eggs?
Any way but runny.  mmmmmmmm eggggs.... Went to Stella's Diner in Chicago on Monday and if you're ever around there - go.  It was delightful.
Z. What was your last argument about and who with?
I typically don't argue.  I don't like fighting (believe it or not).  Oh!  I know.  I'm not telling.  But it was a misunderstanding, and all worked out.  
Happy Sunday!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Liquidation Sale - everything must go!

The Best Thing About Me Is You

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: The Best Thing About Me Is You (2010)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) What would you say is your best quality? Seriously?  That's a cray-cray question.  My dazzling smile, outstanding wit and great ass, of course!
2) In this song, Ricky sings that he's "allergic to tragedy." Do you suffer from any allergies?I'm allergic to Bullshit.  Does that count?

3) Benadryl, the popular allergy medication, is sometimes used to treat insomnia. What do you do when you can't sleep?I usually take a Unisom.  They work great.
4) The lyrics to this week's song encourage us, "Don't wait until mañana." Are you a procrastinator?Look.  I might not have finished the painting in my hallway yet.  Don't judge me.  I might have some unfinished OH LOOK SQUIRREL!!!
5) Ricky Martin is a judge on The Voice ... Mexico, aired on Mexican television. When you watch competition shows like The Voice, Dancing with the Stars or American Idol, do you usually agree with the judges? Or do you think you could do a better job? 
There is a reason why they are where they are.  And come on, who am *I* to judge anyone.  Really.  
6) Ricky tells interviewers that when he was very young, he'd sing in the family kitchen, pretending a wooden spoon was his microphone. Crazy Sam admits to lip synching into a black Magic Marker. When you gave imaginary concerts, what did you use as a microphone? A pen?  I have absolutely NO idea.  I have never been able to sing - so anyone that I tortured as a child with my concerts - I apologize.  Oh.  Wait.  I knew then I couldn't sing.  I never did that.  So I take that apology back. 
7) Ricky began working at the tender age of 9, performing in commercials. How old were you when you received your first paycheck?
When momma put me out on the corner at the tender age of 14, I knew that I had to.. Oh.  Wait.  Never mind.  Wrong story.  16.  I worked at the hospital.  In the dietary department.  Delivering food trays, cleaning up afterwards, etc.  It was a lot of fun - great group of people.  Except Mimi G.  Gosh, she was such a bitch to me. I have no clue why, but she was.   8) Ricky does yoga to stay in shape. Have you ever tried yoga?I really like Yoga.  I might go Yoga right now.  Do a little downward dog.  But what I don't get?  HOT yoga.  I think they tried to kill me.  Not sure why, I'm a nice person.  Why would someone try and kill me like that? 
9) Ricky is of primarily Spanish descent, with a little French mixed in. When you think of French cuisine, what comes to mind?
Snails.   I remember going out to dinner once with the boy's father.  He was all proud of himself for ordering escargot.  Big whoop dude.  Eat some Haggis and then come brag to me.  Oh.  Wait.  We'd have to speak for that.  But that's an example of how impressionable I was at a young tender age.  
It's been a crazy couple of weeks!  I was sick last week, the boy this week.  The best thing I've ever heard out of him?  4AM Tuesday morning, from the bathroom floor - "my body is having a liquidation sale and everything must go".  yes.  He really did.  LOL  If there was ever ANY doubt he's my kid - there's your sign.   Hope nobody else catches whatever it is going around - it's pretty nasty.

Happy Saturday!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Tiny Buddha is a good place to go...

2014/2015 Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we try to credit the blog that we stole it from. We also provide a link to the victim's meme in our "Previous Victims" widget. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") Sometimes we edit the original meme, to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, to select the best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from this new meme or recently asked questions from a previously featured meme. 
Cheers to all of us thieves!!! 

2014/2015 Meme, part one 
Stolen from: German Language Rocks

1.What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about?
How moving to Michigan was such a great choice, because sometimes kids just need their Mom - and he wouldn't have had me any other way.
2.If you had to describe your 2014 in 3 words, what would they be?
I don't like this question.  Don't make me pare down my life to 3 words!  That's just not fair!  It was good, it was bad, it was happy it was sad.  Ups and downs.  It was life.  Life can't be described in 3 words. 
3.What new things did you discover about yourself?
That I really have gotten to the point in my life where I'm young enough to know better, but old enough to not give a shit what other people think any more. 
4.What single achievement are you most proud of?
I'm assuming this is just from 2014?  Seeing as how that is the title, right?  There's a great quote "stand up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone".  I've done that a few times.  It's not always the best choice, but it's the one that lets me sleep at night.   
5.What was the best news you received?
The check cleared?  LOL
6.What was your favorite place that you visited in 2014?
Ahhhhhhhhhh the National Seashore.  Cape Cod. 
7.Which of your personal qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year?
See #4
8.Who was your number one go-to person that you could always rely on?
9.Which new skills did you learn?
Portion control, and the ability to say "no"
10.What, or who, are you most thankful for?
Always, this one:
11.If someone wrote a book about your life in 2014, what kind of genre would it be? A comedy, love story, drama, film noir or something else?
Comedy.  Sheer comedy.  And that was most evidenced by the phone call I received after midnight on NYE.  From a blocked call.  Not sure why I answered it, but I did.  "Jerry's sperm bank, you spank it we bank it" confirming my appointment for 3:00 the next day.  You can't make this shit up
12.What was the most important lesson you learned in 2014?
It seems to be a recurring theme for me.  Family is what you make it.  Not necessarily blood relations. 
13.Which mental block(s) did you overcome?
Letting the past go.  I'm still working on it, but it's a hell of a lot better now than it used to be.
14.What 5 people did you most enjoy spending time with?
All my bitches.  There's more than 5.  They know who they are.. LOL
15.What was your biggest break-through moment career-wise?
Haven't had that one yet.  LOL 
16.How did your relationship to your family evolve?
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.... Knowing that it was OK to let go and not have relationships with people that are related by blood.
17.What book or movie affected your life in a profound way?
There were a few really really good articles that I read that had an affect. One was this one, that I go back to a lot.
18.What was your favorite compliment that you received this year?
That I looked fabulous!
19.What little things did you most enjoy during your day-to-day life?
My coffee in the morning before the boy is awake.
20.What cool things did you create this year?
lots of Sunday Stealings.  :)
21.What was your most common mental state this year (e.g. excited, curious, stressed)?
22.Was there anything you did for the very first time in your life this year?
Don't think so
23.What was your favourite moment spent with your friends?
Watching a friend win a lot of money at the casino is right up there
24.What major goal did you lay the foundations for?
Getting the boy graduated from HS and into college - "no" isn't an option for him
25.Which worries turned out to be completely unnecessary?
I really only had one extremely stressful week, and that was because I was worried about someone else.  I relied on a good friend to help, and that was key to relieving that stress.  I love my friends, I have some of the best ever - and to have someone to go to in a time of need is just beyond anything else that could be good in life.  I truly am "rich" in that regard.  
<3 font="" happy="" nbsp="" new="" year="">

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The one where I bit my tongue. A LOT..

Kentucky Rain

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Welcome to the 1st Sat 9 of 2015

Next Thursday, the 8th would be Elvis' 80th birthday, so we're celebrating The King. Here is this week's song.

1. In this song, Elvis hitchhikes across Kentucky. Have you ever hitched a ride?
Nope.  That'd just be downright suicidal these days.  There are so many whackadoodles out there.  Plus?  I have a car.  A jeep in fact.  One that is so bad ass that people want to hitch rides with ME.  Yeah. See.  I'm not the hitcher.  I'm the hitch-ee.  Not that I'd pick up a hitchhiker.  That'd be nuts. 

2. Elvis received his first guitar for his 11th birthday, even though he'd asked his parents for a bicycle. As an adult, how often do you ride a bike? 
I have one, and during the summer, ride it.  I'd ride it more if I thought of it more.  See?  Direct correlation.  Think about it?  Do it.  Don't think about it?  Faggediboudit...

3. When Elvis was a child, his family was very poor, often living in rooming houses or public housing. His classmates teased him for being "trashy," which left him shy. Were you more shy or outgoing as a kid?
Very outgoing.  I remember (and this is SO going to date me) hanging out the rear window of our car, holding a cigarette (of my mothers) at a gas station - and telling the people that were there "hello, my name is Kathy and I'm FIVE"..  they didn't name that doll "Chatty Kathy" for nothing.  LOL

4. While in high school, Elvis mowed neighbors' lawns with a push mower and a sickle. According to The Home Depot, one of today's most popular mowers is a gas-powered Cub Cadet with a self-mulching feature. Tell us about your lawn mower.

Red.  Sears.  It works.  That's about how much thought I give to it.

5. In the 1950s, Frank Sinatra dismissed Elvis as, "deplorable." Yet by the time of Elvis' death, he had revised his opinion and said, "Elvis was the embodiment of the whole American culture." Tell us about something or someone you changed your mind about.
LOLOLOL  Wow.. too many to even acknowledge here.  

6. After Elvis was discharged from the Army, his first performance was on a Sinatra TV special, sponsored by Timex. Do you wear a watch? 
Nope.  After I got laid off in 2003, I took it off and haven't worn one since.  I hated being a slave to it.  

7. Coinciding with Elvis' 80th birthday, there will be an auction of Presley-related memorabilia at his home in Graceland. One item up for bid is a plush toy he gave to an Army buddy's wife in 1958 for the baby she was expecting. Do you know anyone who is looking forward to a baby in 2015?
A FEW people!  I love babies.  They're so darn cute.

8. None of the items being sold at the Graceland auction actually belonged to Elvis at the time of his death. Everything left to daughter Lisa Marie remains in her possession. Do you have something you cherish that was given to you by a close relative?
Really?  This is where I could talk about the baby pictures that I'll never see again.. blah blah blah...  But I do.  I have the sign "Dry Dock" from the cottage on Cape Cod that was my mother's.  

9. The US Postal service sold more than 500 million of the Elvis commemorative stamp. According to the Census Bureau, that was two stamps each for every man, woman and child in the United States. When is the last time you visited the post office?
It was within the last month.  I remember looking at the signs, thinking that the Boy and I need to get in and re do our passport applications.  We've both expired!