For which I am. And why I'm wearing green, and made the boy change into a green shirt this morning. :) Here's a picture from the parade a few years back -

I had the pleasure of visiting Ireland for 12 days a few years ago, and highly recommend it. I need to pull out some pictures and scan them one of these days. Definitely one of my favorite places. While I'm not a fan of Guinness, the Carlsberg substituted quite nicely, thank you...
So enjoy this day, for on St. Patrick's Day - EVERYBODY's Irish!
Here's one of my faves... enjoy
Yes! Pictures please!
I love the photo of the kiddies all wearing the green shirts and green hair... cute :)
I love your post title!! Have fun and be safe!
And a belated Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too.
Happy belated St Patrick's day!
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