Anyone that knows me, knows that I've never taken the easy route for anything. God knows I've tried! LOL But somehow things always get in the way.
I'm a single parent with an asshat as a
Met a guy, moved in with guy, he told me to quit my job so I could take care of him full time - but it all went bad - blah, blah, blah... someday I'll post the whole story - but basically got thrown out of the home we were in with next to nothing, lots of untruths and justifications gone bad on his part. WhatEVER... I got a full time job, and live only a couple of miles from where we lived together because we are in a great school system and I'll be damned if I'm pulling my child out of his school because the fuckwith happens to be, well, a fuckwit. I also did nothing wrong, so I see no reason to run away with my tail between my legs.
Within weeks of getting my job, I applied for a mortgage, and signed a contract to have a house built. We moved into the house in October. What a feeling! A week before I was supposed to close? My original mortgage company backed out. And what week was that? Yeah. The WORST week in the history of the world to try and get a mortgage - especially for someone with credit issues. But see? I have this ginormous horseshoe sticking out of my ass that somehow always makes things work out. Or it could be the "angels" looking over me.
In any case, we moved, life is calm, I'm back in school after taking a mental health semester off and the fuckwit hides in another state. 'Nuff said.
Oh well. So yeah - lemonade it is! Or maybe some Limoncello? Or a coffee with some Baileys? That works for lemonade, doesn't it? LOL Actually - one of my favorite drinks? Corona mixed with Paul Newman's lemonade. Works well with any light beer and lemonade - but it has to be the quality stuff, none of the cheap lemonade. mmmmmmm tasty....
I thank you SMB for your award, and I will wear it proud!!
Like any award, this one comes with rules and they are as follows:
1. Post the logo on your blog.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
3. Link to the nominees within your blog post.
4. Notify the recipients of the award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link back to the person from whom you received your award.
Oh, for the LOVE.... I don't know who to nominate!! I'm sick, can that be my excuse? I really am - I went to the doctor finally on Saturday - turns out I have pneumonia. Whoops. I think next time I won't wait so long.

And from my friends Pseudo who lives in paradise and Erin who lives near my "old" home (sniff... sniff..)
Psuedo is an amazing woman, one I'd love to meet IRL some day, she's a survivor of many things - breast cancer only being one of them. Erin is a single mom bud who I met on the internet 12 years ago next month. Amazing that we've known each other that long! We immediately hit it off, our kids get along great (or did the last time we saw each other LOL) and we have the same great taste in music. I'm proud to call her a friend, and wish she lived closer so we could hang out with Kim - because we are like the 3 Musketeers LOL
I do have one sister, and we've had a very tumultuous relationship, at best. I was odd man out growing up, I remember one time she bit me and told my mother the dog did it - and when my mother went to whack me (yeah, she was one of those) I stuck my arm into her face and said "SEE THIS??? IT'S NOT FROM THE DOG" and then she believed me. We've been best friends, worst enemies (not speaking for over 2 years) and are getting back to a good place. When I needed help, she was there for me. When she's needed help - I've done the same for her. I have many friends that are sisters to me, so in that respect, I have been blessed. If you're reading this - consider yourself tagged :)

Yeah, about that photo...
I can hear the decongestant meds or something in your writing. You were on a roll!! I hope you are feeling better and not coughing up smurfs.
And stay home and get better as long as you can!!! (Good luck for tomorrow's meeting).
Congrats and yummmmm, limoncello!
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