Mythbusters guys was great - the best part was the boy's face when they came out. It was a look of jaw dropping awe, and then a smile. Worth the price of the tickets alone.
Did some shopping. I was in the Coach store to get a new purse - who KNEW I'd be a purse girl?? LOL Anyway - salesgirl walks right past me and over to my friend Ashley and asks HER if she's OK, needs any help, etc. and never said a word to me. We left - all done Coach! - but not before I told the greeter that *I* was the one there to spend the money and now I was going to spend it at another store. And we went to Nordstroms, where I found the cutest Jimmy Choo bag. ROFLMAO it was only $4,000. Yikes! I ended up with this adorable little gem from Kenneth Cole

THIS is the one that I wanted from Coach:

I'm not sure about the white leather choice that I made,but we'll see how it goes..
I've been fighting off (at the least) a sinus infection all week. Some days I feel like my head is going to explode.
The snow is gone, though. My counter top is going to be replaced this coming week. My garage door opener will be installed and the 1st week of April, I'll have a concrete slab patio. Woohoo!
I started my 2nd class this week, too - lots of homework with that one. I really need to get my wireless fixed so I can use the laptop, otherwise it's going to get ugly around here - the boy is on the computer more than I am. Things seem to be better for him in school - no more harassment from those kids and he's been going through the testing for the 504/IEP. I'm not sure how this is going to go - we have a meeting on the 17th and the person testing him keeps telling him how GREAT he's doing on all the tests. Arrgh. Not sure if that's good or bad.
On a FUNNY note? The fuckwit's brother is apparently back in town and working for their father at his company. Which wouldn't seem like a big deal, but if you know the fuckwit - he and his brother snark at each other constantly because of jealousy issues (or rather the fuckwit snarks at him and the brother pokes at him because he knows it'll get him riled up). The fuckwit at one time worked for the same company and believed while we were together that he would be handed the company some day because he was the first born son. Never mind that he has no head for business, no degree and he got FIRED from the company. So the fact that his brother is now working there (and I doubt it's an entry level position which is what he had)? Must really burrrrrrrrrrrrn his ass. This? To me? It's just part of his karmic retribution, and pretty damn funny.
I have lots of reading to catch up on. Happy Saturday!!
That's quite a pocketbook, Missy. Glad you had fun in Chicago. Photos?
Good luck w/ the referral process. Let me know if you need help.
ooh can't call it a pocketbook - not here in the midwest. That has a totally different meaning, one which will lose you your purse with all its money, camera and other stuff because the person driving the golf cart won't stop for some stupid thing you keep in your POCKET. Now if it had been a PURSE, she'd have stopped. who knew..
oh, and some tips might be helpful - I think they're going to blame everything on me. I'm thinking of starting the meeting with bringing up my letter and the things that were NOT addressed, such as the "obnoxious" comment and when they were all last in-serviced.
How can they blame anything on you? He can qualify as *other health impaired*. The have to do response to intervention first (whatever they are doing now, pre-ferral, or even the 504 is often pre-ferral)... but if their interventions are not working and he's still failing classes, they have to identify him and put him on an IEP.
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