Good Friday stuff
1. My blueprint for success includes standing up for what I feel is right, even if I stand alone.
2. Oh Jesus, there's a whole pumpkin full - I can't pick one! was the last candy I ate.
3. The best facial moisturizer I've ever used is some ridiculously expensive stuff from Eminence.
4. A great massage can be good therapy.
5. I'd like to tell you about what the boy said yesterday. I asked him to do something for me and his response was "Mom - are you trying to turn me into your little minion or something?"
6. Strength is my strongest characteristic.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to SLEEP, tomorrow my plans include cleaning out the garage and Sunday, I want to spend time with my little minion LOL!
Love the "little minion" comment, hee, hee!
Have a good weekend :-)
My Friday fill-ins are here
You are wicked strong. And your little minnion is too. OMG. I can just hear it. Have a fab weekend.
Minion...hehehe... kids crack me up.
love the answer about your little boy...LOL...kids are so priceless
I love your #1 and I soooo agree with your #4! Have a wonderful weekend!
a whole pumpkin full - good 4 u!
A great massage can be good therapy. -Yes!!!
I'd like to tell you about what the boy said yesterday. I asked him to do something for me and his response was "Mom - are you trying to turn me into your little minion or something?"
- This is hilarious! sounds like my 6th grader! lol
have a great weekend!
See my Fill-in
lolol i'm laughing at your answer to #2! Thanks for playing :-)
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