Why I am not a fan of the color blue any more.. My ex (the fuckwit) loved blue. Would buy anything blue. Cars? Blue. It didn't matter - if it was blue - he loved it and had to have it. The pretty blue Kitchen Aid mixer? It didn't matter that he never used it - didn't even know how - when I left and took it, there was a fit made because *I TOOK THE PRETTY BLUE MIXER*... Catch the drift? OK - here are some pictures (OLD ones) of a friend of mine at one end of the kitchen (with Dewey the wonder dog who we miss very much), and my fat ass at the other. Note the continuing color into the hallway. Yes, it continued.. Enjoy the blue...

Yeah, it's ugly. No accounting for taste no matter how much $, eh? I'm so happy that you have your own damned house and you can paint it whatever color you like!
fuckwitwad.. I like it! LOL
And some day I'll get back to it - I've thought about different shades. Just not yet. I still have blue hell nightmares. LOL
And no, E - there is NO accounting for taste (or anything else for that matter) when you have money.
I like blue, but purple and yellow are my favs!
teena - purple is my son's absolute favorite color. He wants purple walls in his room - I'm trying to figure out a way to do it and not have it all look cheesy!
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