And turned them into this, something that goes much better with the sofa and isn't falling apart!!
The picture doesn't do them justice - they match the couch and have shades of green, gold and red in them. I actually think I may paint a wall green now! I've been having a hard time deciding on colors for the house, it's pretty much a blank slate. It's an open floor plan, but I don't want to do all one color, I want to do something that looks good but defines each room. I'm thinking of doing wall that is the length of the house a really cool green, and then working off that. Greens and yellows are my favorites (the fuckwit pretty much turned me off blue, but that's another post). I guess I was afraid of doing the same colors that we had at the lake house, but I thought about it, and realized that *I* picked out those colors, not him. He's the one that has to live in it knowing that I picked them all out. ROFL If those are the ones that I like, well then dammit, those are the ones I shall have!!!
Happy Sunday....
My house is open plan and we have a range of greens. Lighter and darker depending on the wall - it works out pretty well...
Isn't it fun to pick out your own colors and stuff? I love not having to collaborate on that. :-)
I'm a paint dork. I actually like to paint indoor walls. Have fun picking out your colors. I can stand in front of the color cars in the paint departmetn until someone in my family comes to see if I am OK.
I just take the paint squares home. I have a whole basket full of them, and the brochures with the color ideas, you name it - I have it. I'm starting to feel guilty going into Lowes because I think they're going to come running after me saying "that's her!! SHE is the one that stole all the paint chips!" ROFL
Oh, and E? I didn't collaborate in the fuckwit's house. LOL I picked what I liked. His last house was blue walls, blue counter tops, blue floors, blue accessories - get the picture? I don't know how to add the pictures into a comment, so I'll do a new post. It's funny.
I love the pillows!!
Thank you!!! I'm pretty darn proud of them :)
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