Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost Meme
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from: BlackPanther
1. Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first song
Billy Joel - Big Shot. LOL---->
2 If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you?
ohhhhh good one... Somewhere very tropical and all inclusive. I'd probably take Kim because I'm not dating anyone right now and we both need a good vacation.
3 What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen)Blue or black. Fine point. I find myself switching up pens a lot. Sometimes I like fine point, sometimes I like the medium point. Sometimes? I go a little crazy and use a purple pen. 4 When did you go on your first trip alone (without your parents)?First vacation without my parents? Disney World with my grandmother and cousin. It was only the 2nd year they were open, I think? I was 6 or 7. And they still used tickets for the rides. I remember walking in, and some people that were leaving gave us their tickets because they weren't going to need them. AND we did some kind of behind the scenes tour because my grandmother knew someone that worked there. Here we are, weren't we cute? LOL I'm on the left.

5 Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them.I do. But I'm not going to tell you all. that will ruin the sanctity of our beautiful relationship. I know people. They know people. We all know peeps. Their peeps are my peeps. So I have peeps. No wait - I'll tell you one. She never reads these. She doesn't even acknowledge us little peeps any more. I know Kay Hanley, singer in Boston's own Letters to Cleo that broke up. Now she does the Care Bears theme song, and toured as a backup singer on tour with Miley Cyrus - when she was still doing Hannah Montana shit. We all knew here when, and she comes back to Boston from time to time, and gets invited to lots of stuff with the old gang - and can't even be bothered to respond. So yeah. I know her. Pffffffffffffft..
6 Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are.
My most delightful cuppa of Joe. My wallet. A blue or black fine point pen. Oh, and I'd like to point out that since hitting shuffle on iTunes? I'm now listening to Simon & Garfunkel's "Cecelia"..
7 How would you describe your sense of humor?Twisted, with a chance of meatballs? I don't know. I have a good one, no - strike that - a GREAT sense of humor. I often laugh in the face of adversity, I downright SHINE in times of trouble, and yeah - I will laugh at inappropriate times.
8 Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favorites?Scrabble. My ex bf's grandmother used to have Sunday Scrabble. Show up if you want to play, don't if you don't. Bring a snack, or not. Sometimes there would just be a few of us, sometimes we'd have 2-3 games going. I miss that.
9 A musical artist you love that isn’t well known.Hmmmmm.... I'm not sure. I'm friends some but again - see #5. You probably wouldn't know her unless you're from Boston.
A musical artist you love that is well known.
Yes, he was looking at me. Yes, he loves me and only me. LOL I also touched him on the arm the same night. What is your desktop background currently?Pretty flowers...
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to themMy neighbor. Face to face - but not too close, I haven't brushed my teeth yet.
What do you carry your money in?My wallet. It's Stella & Dot. Very cool.
What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in?Just the computer. And seriously, who says "timekeeping devices"? What are you, Captain Nemo or something?
What kind of headphones do you use?I don't. This is my house, and I'll play my shit as loud as I want, when I want.
What musical artists have you seen perform live?Oh Jesus... I won't tell you how many times for each - but... (obviously) Bruce Springsteen, U2, Journey, Rod Stewart, Billy Joel, Elton John, James Taylor, Bette Midler, Steve Winwood, Dropkick Murphys, Jimmy Buffet; Willie Nelson, Jackson Browne, Roseanne Cash, Natalie Merchant, Bruce Hornsby (the last bunch were from an Earth Day festival - not full shows for them), Van Morrison (front row - in Dublin), The Monkees, Rick Springfield, Dave Matthews Band, Lady Antebellum, Tim McGraw (see his bum, below), Sheryl Crow, Zac Brown Band, Luther Vandross (one of THE most disappointing shows ever - he only sang 2-3 songs?), Anita Baker, Barenaked Ladies... and seriously I can't think of any more. My brain hurts. LOL
How often do you clear your browser history?Only when I want to hide shit. LOL Probably never..
What’s the best job you’ve ever had?I don't know if I have had one yet. I am presently looking for a job that will make me WANT to get up every morning and go in, and look forward to. I've had that a couple of times, but not recently, that's for sure.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?It wasn't the worst - but working for my Uncle Jim in his fast food fish shack. I loved that job, it was awesome - but there's nothing like the smell of fish in your hair, clothes, and just about everything. Shoes? Yup. And washing them did nothing. So it'd be like I would walk into a room and people would thing "hey! the tuna boat is in town!" LOL
What magazines do you read, if any? HGTV, Ladies Home Journal, Better Homes & Gardens, and I MISS the Martha Stewart cooking one, Everyday Food. I don't know why they stopped publishing it, but it was hands down THE best food/recipe magazine ever.
Van Morrison's concert is one of the high lights of my concert-going days. He was storytelling and it was an intimate audience of about 200 people. Awesome!
I have not heard Big Shot in awhile. I will have to YouTube that one! :)
Happy Sunday!
love the magazine choices and yes go tropical with a friend!
I remember when Disney opened and all of the cool kids got to go over winder break. I of course was not a cool kid.
Wow! You went to a lot of concerts that I would have liked to have gone to, like Billy Joel, U2, and Bruce Springsteen. And Rick Springfield! Wow!
I used to love Everyday Food, too! Sad they don't print it any more! Not that I read magazines now, but I remember loving Everyday Food!
We answered the headphone one the same way - my house, who needs headphones! I love Billy Joel.
Lots of Scrabble fans on here today . . .
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