Why Don't We Get Drunk?
1)This week's song was once named the favorite love song of Bud Wiser, the godfather to this humble blog. With Valentine's Day coming up, what's your favorite love song?
Wow, you just hop right into it, don't you. Why don't you just ask - hey you there, when's the last time you went on a date? Or got some? Huh? Huh? I can see how this Saturday 9 is going, and I'm going to tell you right now, I will NOT have it. Do you hear me? I won't!
2) When this song was first released back in 1973, the "Why don't we get drunk and screw?" refrain was considered shocking. With the explicit sexual content in many of today's songs, it now hardly raises an eyebrow. When is the last time you were shocked? (Not just by a song, by anything at all.)
I was truly shocked this week by the death of Phillip Seymour Hoffman. What a great great actor, but what a stupid, dumb guy. To let heroin take over his life like that - what a horrible legacy to leave to his kids. "Hey - I did all this good, but when it comes down to it? I was nothing but a drug addict".. Ugh.
3) Buffett named his first daughter Savannah, presumably after his favorite city. Tell us about your favorite city.I have been so lucky to have traveled to so many different cities. I love San Francisco. London. Ohhhhh all of them in Ireland. But my favorite outside of my hometown of Boston? This one...
4) Mr. Buffett opened a Margaritaville Casino in Atlantic City. Have you ever gambled in Atlantic City? What about Las Vegas?
Why yes, yes I have! Both! I won a few hundred on the Hot Hot Super Jackpot, too. We have casinos around here, but I will say the one disappointment is that they don't give free drinks while you're gambling. I guess only Vegas and AC do that.
Oh, and Atlantic City? I saw Bruce there. And he sang that song, too. So really, I met him that night in Atlantic City. I stood like 15" away from him too. Yeah. ohhhhh Bruce....
5) Saving Florida's manatees is a cause near and dear to Jimmy Buffett's heart. If we were to make a $100 contribution to any charity in your honor, which would you choose?
Something to do with battered women, or single parents.
6) If today was your birthday, your astrological sign would be Aquarius. How often do you check your horoscope?
Hi my name is Kathy, I'm a Scorpio and I enjoy long walks on the beach... oh, wait. I'm sorry, I must stop and vomit here... LOL Maybe there's a reason for my answer to #1. LMAO
7) On this date in 1974, the show Good Times ("Dy-no-mite!") premiered and, much to Sam's confusion and chagrin, still enjoys an audience in syndication. Tell us about a pop culture phenomenon that you just never got into.
Twerking. Planking. Really, I follow my own path. I don't usually follow the "what's cool" rule.
8) Is there a home improvement project on your list of things to do?
Are you serious? I think anyone that owns their own home has a home improvement project on their list. Duh. I want to do over the master bath with a bigger vanity, and if money were no option? I'd turn my patio into a 3 season porch much like the one that was on the cottage down the Cape. I miss the cottage. I miss the Cape. I miss "home". Yeah, thanks for that. Now I'm all SAD.. Jerk.
9) A warm-weather choice to consider on a February day: Ice cream sundae or banana split?
I will take a banana split to drown my sorrows in, thank you. No strawberries or pineapple, though. Hot fudge. Marshmallow. Bananas. Ice cream. Nuts. That's it. Oh..... now I really REALLY want one..
You are right about owning your home and diy projects, I have a dozen of them.
Oh, I want one of those season rooms too. I would love to have one of those. I could get the treadmill out of the kitchen.
Next to my beloved Chicago, Boston is the move liveable city I've visited. I hope to return for vacation again someday soon.
Seattle used to be what I wished for and because of all the rain and good stuff, like GREEN belts.
Laughed about your saying anyone with a house has projects lined up!
And, I wish, wish, wish we had made the patio into a 3 seasons porch but it's now what we call the great room. It's 1/3 full of my tables and kilns. Duh!
I had to look up Twerking and Planking, I guess I'm from a different generation.
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