I was tagged by Staci for the Honest Scrap award :) Yippeeeee... another award!

The rules are simple, list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep! Then tag up to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap Award.
Sigh.... Here goes. :)
1. I love to cook. I often end up wasting food because I only cook for myself - the boy only likes chicken nuggets, bagels, spaghetti - plain stuff like that. I love to experiment, but nobody else is around to try it. And I can only eat so much. And I'm a darn good cooker, too. :)
2. Some days I wonder what I was thinking, knowingly taking on the role of being a single parent. It's been 12 years, and while I think that my son is the greatest gift and my most wonderful achievement - what the heck was I thinking?!?!?!?
3. His father is the one person that broke my heart. I don't think that I will ever find the love that I felt like that for anyone else. Even if ultimately he never did love me - at one time, I loved him with every fiber of my being. It was like my whole world stopped when he walked into a room. To know that I meant nothing to him at the time was just devastating.
4. I miss my friends at "home". While I have some great friends here, it's not the close-knit group that I had back in MA, and more often than not on the weekends I don't do anything.
5. It hurts my feelings when I ask friends what's going on for the weekend and either I get no answer, or a "nothing" and then find out later they all got together and nobody remembered to call me.
6. I am the Queen of Procrastination. I will clean, bake, do laundry - anything to get out of doing something that I know has to get done. My accounting homework is a great example of that. LOL
7. There are people in my life that I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive, for various reasons and offenses.
8. I think the chances of me finding a nice guy that wants to be with an overweight, over 40 woman with an ADHD kid are probably slim to none. I've accepted that, though. It's the whole "never having sex" again thing I have a hard time with. And I'm not a fan of toys - I like the real thing, fanks. It kills me to think that the last sex I'll ever have was mediocre (at best). Ugh.
9. I have horrible nightmares about something happening to my son. I know it's every parent's worst fear. He really is my reason for being, and I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to him.
10. I cry easily. Commercials, pictures, people I don't know - you name it, I can cry.
NOW.... Who can I tag... LOL
You. You. You!~ And YOU too!!
(you know who you are ROFL)