Manic Monday :) <---- Click to play along!

Manic Monday #149
Do you have any idiosyncrasies or unusual quirks when it comes to food and/or eating?
I'm not a big fan of things that look like trees. And I like to sniff new things before I taste them. Does that make me quirky? Probably. I'd like to be quirky. Meg Ryan is quirky. And cute. I'd like to be Meg Ryan, have a cute adopted baby named Daisy and a ginormous house on Martha's Vineyard.
Have you ever written love letters? If so, do you still have any of them?
Ohhhhhh the letters. I was a big one for letters, probably still am, in fact. I'd write 3-4 pagers. My friend Movie has read quite a few of the "drafts". LOL
The problem was, they were always to jerks. My son's father, who really didn't give a shit about me - he just wanted sex (certainly not a child - gasp!), and then the last one I wrote was a while ago - but I couldn't make it long - there are ADD issues there and the attention span was pretty short,so everything I had to say, I had to say in the first paragraph pretty much. I need a man that can appreciate my literary efforts. None of them ever did. sigh...
How easy or difficult is it for you to say you're sorry?
Well, first it should be "how easy is it to admit you're wrong. THAT I'm working on. I'm not always right, as much as I like to think so or hope. So it's getting easier, especially when I get caught. LOL Which seems to happen more often these days - the older the boy gets, the more he calls me out on stuff. But I'm also stubborn. Hardheaded. It's the Irish in me. You know - if I have to be stubborn, hardheaded and Irish - why couldn't I have had red hair? That would make the whole stubbornness so much easier. Granted I could have red hair now, but everyone would know it's not "mine", and it would be expensive. Hmmph.
I also like Meg Ryan! I always have thought she would be someone I'd like to know.
I like Meg Ryan too.
Someday you might end up posting a piece of one of those letters...
I watched You've Got Mail the other night on cable. That's my favorite sappy Meg Ryan movie. She has good clothes in it.
Also, you write great letters. Now to find the guy to appreciate that, lol.
Great humor in your answers! And agreed with everyone else - who doesn't like Meg? :)
Social - I used to dream that she would be my best friend some day. She still might be. When I was younger and had a spiral perm, I guess I looked a little like her (if you were blind in one eye, and couldn't see out of the other, that is) LOL
Pseudo - none of the letters comes without a long back story. LOL It'd be like "a whole season of Lost" backstory. Although, some of them are pretty darn good.
And Random - thanks! I have to laugh, or I would go nuts :)
I totally loved your answers to Manic Monday!! You don't need to be're witty!!
Thanks Staci - my next post is just for you! :)
i'd like to be Meg Ryan, too... although I'd have skipped the plastic surgery...
LOL. I liked your answers, Kathy. Very honest and well elaborated.
You really left me thinking with the 'things that look like trees' part. In my case, I won't eat anything that 'normally hangs from a tree'. :-)
Hope you have a great week, and happy 2009!
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