and so I shall begin!
Music is a huge part of my life. I'm a huge fan of Bruce Springsteen and plan on spending some time to see the next tour. I may even bring the boy along. :)
Money is nice if you have it, but not a necessary thing in life, I've discovered. It brings out the worst in people, and it's hard to know who your true friends are. I also discovered that if you're an asshole, money isn't going to make that go away.
Monkeys have always cracked me up. How could you not love a poo-flinging mammal such as this?

Mom is the best name I've ever been called, and the best job I've ever had. :)
Men are wonderful creatures... It's unfortunate that I keep meeting the wrong kind. LOL Which brings me to my favorite "M" men....

Now if that isn't mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm MMMMMMMMMMMH!! I don't know what is..
Math is not one of my strong points in life, and I have to get through an accounting class (this is try #3). I will do it. I've given birth. Accounting is no match for me!
Menus are my friend. I love food. I love cooking it, eating it, making it for my friends. You name it. I have a great relationship with it. Probably too much of one. I need to cut back on it. Not so much dip. Maybe a bit healthier. Oh but it's soooooooo good...
Speaking of food. There's nothing like a little meat

I love a good machair. Definition? A low-lying sandy beach. I love the beach. The ocean in particular. I can't wait to go to San Diego in April and see the Pacific. And then the Atlantic in August on Cape Cod. Ahhhhhhh warmth.. :)
And last, but certainly not least - myself. If I don't love myself, how can anyone else? Yeah, sure, I have my quirks. But I'm not bad looking, the left side of the face doesn't always work so well - but dammit, I'm a great person! LOL
Edited to add a couple of extras :)
The fact that I am a matriculating student is something that I'm very proud of. :)
And one of my favorite "M"'s is maturity. Something that we all as adults should have in some fashion. Granted, I like to be a kid sometimes (don't we all?) but I know when to stop and become an adult. Something that some people that used to be in my life still have a hard time grasping the concept of.
Good job on the M's. I thought you would put music first. :-)
LOL You know me so well!
Your M's were Marvelous and Magnificent!
loved your m's!! especially the hot boys!!
Marvelously magnificent!
Meat and Men.... mmmmmm ;)
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