1. It's January; and it is pretty fucking cold out right now! Bring on baseball season!
2. More sleep is what I crave most right now. I think I'm coming down with something, my throat hurts and I've had a killer headache. Ugh.
3. Cork and wine go together like OK - now wine. You open it and then plug it back up with the cork. So me, being twisted that I am - could only think of is a tampon this morning. It's early. LOL.
4. Coffee. mmmmmmmmm I love coffee, it is so nourishing.
5. Let us dare to throw caution to the wind! Speak up for ourselves! Stand up for what is right - even if you stand alone!
6. I love my home. It's the shizznit. Even if it needs to be painted. But by the time I'm done with it - badabing, badaboom! It's going to be even bettah!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to K-Wings game, tomorrow my plans include working on homework and chilling out and Sunday, I want to go to the movies!!
I'm jealous, I feel like I haven't been to the movies in ages.
Yay for #5
Fabulous list, have a great weekend!
I am so done with this cold weather. I am enjoying a shut in this weekend with my daughters but oh how I would love to wake up Monday and have it baseball season weather already!
More photos of the house after the paint!! :-)
You crack me up with your response to #3. I hope you are feeling better.
My FFI is here: http://smariek.blogspot.com/2009/01/ffi-106.html
Have a great weekend!
I've had a killer headache all day too... it's kickin' the shit out of me. Hope your headache is gone, thanks for the visit over at my spot:)
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