Manic Monday :) <---- Click to play along!

Manic Monday #150
If you were to name the most creative outlet that you have, what would it be?
I think the outlet to the left of my sink in the kitchen is very creative. I use it for my crockpot, charging my phone, all sorts of wonderful things! Ok. fine.
I am getting back into photography, so much so that I'm taking at least one picture a day for a year (shoot me now!). I may even.... ready? take a
What spot in your body would you say is the center of your emotional being?
My tapeworm. If the tapeworm isn't happy, nobody is. ROFL
Again - fine. lol My heart. It's such a fragile thing, the heart. If your heart is broken, how is your emotional well being? It's been a long time since I've had mine broken that it's just about all healed up. :) Ready for a new beating. lol
What do you think is the secret to a tranquil soul?
Peace. Within yourself, with all that surrounds you. If you live in chaos, there is no tranquility. Which probably explains the whirling dervish that is over my head on a constant basis. I live in chaos. But I have peace with myself and the things I've done in my life enough to know that I have a good soul. Not necessarily tranquil, because that's too quiet. It's like sitting in church - you know you should be quiet, but you can't help but giggle at the woman that farted three rows up.
Ha - third answer has me giggling. As it should.
You're funny.
WR= droishwa Dr Oi Swhall see you now.
Inner peace is nice :)
Loved the outlet answer!!!
I love your photos. Take that class because I'm sure you will use everything from it and really get the full potential out of your camera. I want a slr so freakin' bad. I'm saving my pennies!!
Glad you all enjoyed the answers :)
Staci - I got the camera before we went to Alaska last July as a gift. It's a Canon Rebel Xti - I highly recommend it, but it is expensive. I love it! Just wait till I start playing with my zoom! LOL
I like the first one actually. LOL, crockpot =3
a picture a day...that is a great goal. I sometimes think it would be cool to do a picture a day at the same point along the river i live beside...but makes it a little hard to take a vacation :(
The third answer had me snorting. You are too funny!
Love all your answers! Creative outlet... hehehehe... and the fart in church! You know I love a good fart....
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