Thursday, January 15, 2009

Friday Fill Ins

Courtesy of Janet <-- Click here to play along!

#107 :)

1. Enough with the cold already. I get it. It's winter. But does it REALLY have to be cold enough to make my nipples feel like they're going to fall off my body when I go outside? Seriously. Enough. Dammit.

2. My lurker list causes me to be conflicted. LOL

3. I've been craving on occasion, a cigarette. But it's been over a week and I haven't had one. I'm too young to die. I don't want one. Plus they smell. And they make my clothes smell. I like it when I take the ponytail holder out of my hair - that I can still smell my shampoo - and this is at the END of the day!! Go figure!.

4. My son makes me laugh. He's seriously a stitch. I don't know where he gets it.

5. I wish I could go to a beach where I could lie out all day in the sun, soaking up the rays, reading a good book and be served drinks with little umbrellas by this man. Naked. And it would be a private beach so no 12-pound blonde goes running by with her perky little boobs and non-saggy ass and distracts him from his one true love - ME...

next week.

6. Sex has been on my mind lately. or really the lack thereof. Probably TMI, huh? It's been far too long. And even then - it wasn't quality, so I could figure out the last time that it was quality - and Jesus Mary and the Carpenter - it's been so long I'm a virgin again!!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to SLEEP, tomorrow my plans include more accounting homework and Sunday, I want to stay up late and watch tv that is bad for me because I have Monday off (maybe I'll watch something with dirty words in it)!!!


Yvonne said...

I think we're all the same about #1! LOL

Have a great weekend.

Pseudo said...

My firends and I had a theory that lack of sex over a certian amount of time qualified for revirginization.

Is that guy Denny form Grey's? (Also the dead dad in Weeds?)

Neurotic Mom said...

omg i just spewed coffee all over my screen reading no 1 that is too funny, gotta love MI

NoBS said...

Yeah...I find the more I remember how often sex has been "non-quality" the easier it is not to miss it...

cheatymoon said...

Hysterically excellent answers, my friend. I wanted to write something similar for my Sunday night... Have a good weekend!

K Dubs said...

Pseudo - yes, that's Jeffrey Dean Morgan, aka Denny Duquette. He's hot. In a rip my clothes off kinda way. And single, from what I hear. LOL

NoBS - I really haven't missed it, but I guess that makes me wonder what I'm missing. I mean seriously - the last sex I have can't be the boring, weird and at the end ewww that I had with my ex, can it? (not that it was always like that, but I'm not going to explain any further LOL)

K Dubs said...

Oh, and Neurotic - clean that up!

Amber said...

Hahaha@nipples falling off...oh my
Oh man, what a dish that one is, I've been dreaming about him (mainly cause I've watched PS I Love you a few times this past two weeks).
Yes, it's difficult to acquire quality sex, I hope your search in that endeavor goes better.
And I say definitely watch something with dirty words in it, but only the mild ones...Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

I love Denny! I wish I could be Izzie for a day!

He should lose the beard though.

Happy blogging!

Jenette said...

Ok, I agree he is totally hot!!

K Dubs said...

Back off from my man, ladies!! LOL

Staci said...

I loved them all, but hot damn that man is something else!!