Saturday, January 10, 2009

Holy frozen tundra, Batman!

68 Below Zero!!

Posted using a cool share this thingie

I will never complain about snow or cold again....


Pseudo said...

No shit? It can get 68 below?? I need to zap you through the computer for a day over here. It is 8:53 and 80 degrees outside.

Neurotic Mom said...

Yeah i'm tired of shoveling snow and the cold

K Dubs said...

Could you even imagine being that cold outside? That's way more than the "if you sniff your nostrils stick together" cold.
And Pseudo.. you are my hero for having to put up with that heat all the time. HOW could a person stand that. Day after day after day after day.... (can you catch the hint of sarcasm in my voice? LOL)