Saturday, May 12, 2012

Maybe I'm the one... who is....

Saturday 9: Touch Me in the Morning

1. Who or what sleeps with you?
My cat..  or my kid... I usually kick them both out - I'm used to sleeping alone and I like it, dammit! 

2. Last time you saw your high school best friend?
Julie-Julie bo Bulie!  Um.... last time I was "home" I think.  I usually try and meet up with her.  Next time will be in June!

3. What do you do when you're sad?
Play Bejeweled.  Cry.  Have a big old pity party for myself. 

4. What do you wear when you are relaxing around the house?
Sweats and a t-shirt.  Hey!  That's what I have on right now!

5. What did you do immediately after high school?
I was told I had 30 days to get a full time job or I'd be kicked out of the house.  Oh, and I had to start paying increased room & board.  Thanks Mary.  You were such an inspiration...

6. Is anyone on your bad side right now?
I have a bad side?  I know the left side doesn't always work, but I wouldn't refer to it as "bad" per say...

7. What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Look up your Mom.  Seriously.  Nah - I check my email.

8. What jewelry are you wearing?
Is this a trick question?  I don't have a penis, so there's no ring..  My diamond necklace. 

9. Post a current song that you like. (Or name it and tell us why you like it.)
Because it's fun -  :)


The Gal Herself said...

Fee-fie-foe Foo-lie! JULIE! Hope you two have a great time when you reconnect.

I am Harriet said...

Yikes- 30 days?

Have a great Saturday!

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

The ring thang hurt just reading it! ;)

K Dubs said...

Oh Julie and I have a blast - we've been friends since 1st grade. We know each other OH so well.
Yes - 30 days. I was also told when I turned 16 to go out and get a job, and not come home until I had one. And then I had to start paying room & board. And if I wanted to go to college? I had to find the money myself. My brother missed out on an opportunity with Wang back in the 80's because she refused to let him use her car to go to an interview. He was told to find his own way there. See? Inspiration.
Oh and Bud - I have a good story about that kind of ring. LOL I'll tell you some time. :)