Saturday, April 12, 2014

The one that segued into Glory Days (because everything can relate to a Springsteen song, right?)

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

1) This song begins with, "So no one told you life was gonna be this way …" What do you wish you knew five years ago about your life now?Hmmmmm, not sure.  I like surprises.  I don't know that I'd really change anything - except maybe I would have had a better look around the Cape cottage the last time I was there, because had I been a little more ....ahem.....  informed... I would have looked to see what I wanted then.  And I would have enjoyed it more - knowing that would be my last trip there.  Sucks to live the life of the uninformed, eh?

2) This is, of course, the theme from Friends, which is frequently shown back-to-back on TVLand and TBS. Have you ever "binge-watched" a show, catching episode after episode?

Of course. Orange is the New Black (highly recommend it) and The Walking Dead.  I love Netflix..  :)

3) On the show, Monica and Rachel shared a beautiful 2BR/2BA Soho apartment with a private balcony. It's estimated that such a pad would cost at least $3500/month in today's real-life New York. Describe your dream home.
Hmmmm... something near the water.  I had my "dream home" when I lived with my ex - it was a big house on a lake - I was the one that picked it out.  I loved that house.  Him?  Not so much.  Which reminds me - there is a reason people are called an EX... right?  In the past few weeks - I've had a couple of guys that I used to ... you know... know...  try to get back in touch (one I'm friends with on FB and I think he was just drinking that night).  BUT.... Seriously?  I'm glad you have such great memories, but a few things have changed in life.  #1 - I'm not the silly 20-something looking for love in all the wrong places, #2 - I'm glad you have such fond memories, #3 - I'm no longer a size 4/6, #3 - I've had Bells Palsy.  Twice.  The left side doesn't always work like it should. #4 - I like to actually know someone(while they're SOBER) a little bit better these days and  #5 - The boobs you loved so much?  They're gone.  Yes.  GONE.  I chopped those bitches off and wish I'd done it sooner.  Oh wait - go back to the first question - that's what I wish I'd known!  LOL  Anyway - you get the point, right?   No more trying to relive the glory days people!

4) Of the six main characters, only Chandler was an only child. Do you have any siblings? 

Oh for fuck's sake.  The ones that I was raised with?  They can all go shit in a hat.  See #1, or really - read any of my blog, you'll get it.  I have a step-sister that I really like, and many sisters from other mothers.   Speaking of other mothers.  I sent the baby-daddy a note this week - asking him if the events over the past few weeks has given him pause at all, made him realize that life is short and that maybe ignoring a child and making sure that others do the same MIGHT not be the best decision?   That man has no soul.  No conscience.  Nothing.  Which makes me wonder - why is it that when someone dies on the job, that it's someone that is a good decent person.  Why can't the assholes happen upon life ending shit like that?  Just curious...

5) Gunther was the barista at Central Perk, the coffee shop where the Friends hung out. He had an ongoing, unrequited love for Rachel. Are you crushing on anyone right now? Does he/she know? I'm 48.  I don't crush on peeps any more. 

6) Currently Matt ("Joey") LeBlanc stars in the Showtime series Episodes, playing a character named Matt LeBlanc. If there was going to be series based on your life, who would play you?Hmmmmm knowing me?  Melissa McCarthy.  She's a freaking hoot. I think that if she and I were to meet - we'd be bestest friends forever.     

7) Courtney Cox, who portrayed Monica, has the Twitter handle @CourtneyCox and has 628,000 followers. What was your last tweet?
The local weather guy and I have this tweet thing going.  I think it was to him, something about how he called the weather for today warm and fresh and I likened that forecast to a cookie.  LOL

8) The creators of Friends were massive soap opera fans. They named their characters after recurring characters on All My Children* and had Joey appear on Days of Our Lives. Have you ever been hooked on a daytime drama?

Come on now - hasn't everyone at one time?  It was Young and the Restless, Days of our Lives, and now it's just Jerry Springer.  I can't survive without knowing if you ARE the father or you are NOT the father.  LMAO

9) The band who performed this song, The Rembrandts, took their name from the famous Dutch painter. Can you see any artwork from where you're sitting right now? Tell us about it (and yes, a school painting by your 7-year-old nephew counts).

I see photos from my Alaska, Seattle and Cape trips.  That's artwork, right? I can be artsy fartsy and all that.  LOL

*According to IMDB: Ross for Ross Chandler, Joey for Joey Martin, Chandler for the Chandler family, Monica for Monique/Daisy Cortland, Rachel Greene for Janet Green, and Phoebe for Phoebe Tyler Wallingford.


The Gal Herself said...

Your answer to #4 made me smile. The ONLY thing on the entire planet my kid sister and I agree on is that our older sister is psycho. As luck/irony/karma would have it, they were forced together this week on the first-ever National Siblings Day. Couldn't have happened to two nicer broads. Tee hee.

CountryDew said...

Enjoyed your little rant on #3, I would not like old beaus coming back into my life. Of course, being married for 30 years means that's not likely to happen, but still. I am not even happy that some of my classmates are my friends on FB sometimes.

K Dubs said...

Hah! Gal, that's awesome. I acknowledged my siblings that I chose this year, not the ones I was given. And CountryDew - RIGHT?? Jeez luiz!

Bud Fisher said...

Too bad about the heartless father. So much that he'll regret.

I am Harriet said...

I got hooked on Orange is the New Black last winter. It is intriguing.

Unknown said...

I just don't understand how someone can leave their child behind. Some of your answers have intrigued me to dig a little into your older posts. From what I can tell, Melissa McCarthy sounds like a good match for a friend for you! :-)

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Any ass hat can father a child. That's just the facts. So sad.

Exs: No, you don't need them coming back into your life even at the talkie talk level.

Just keep swimming.....