Monday, March 5, 2012

Random Monday Musings....

I really want to punch some more people in the face.  Like my friend's stepson's mother.  She has the audacity to make fun of his father for trying to track him down when he hadn't been heard from in over 48 hours.  Called him a "drama king" on facebook.  Seriously?  I couldn't help myself.  I said that at least he gaave a shit enough to worry about him.  She's a douche of the nth degree.

My sister.  She's my sister by birth, but really?  I don't know where she came from.  She's got some control issues, and refuses to share any information with me about a number of things that really, she should be sharing.  She's another douche, right now.

I think douche is the word of the day. 

I spent yesterday afternoon with my friend's 2 girls.  Why?  Because she's in the hospital with her 10 year old that they just found out has cancer.  Seriously???  What the hell kind of God is there that pulls THIS shit?  I mean really, it's bad enough that my brother has ALS and his kids have to watch him decline.  Now this?  Where is the silver lining in all this?  So I want to punch God in the face for thinking that this is OK.  Because it's not.

People that I've sent my resume to that can't even bother to respond with a "fuck off, we don't like you".  I'm qualified for your jobs, dammit.  In some cases, MORE than qualified.  Fine.  I didn't want to work for you anyway.  Douches. 

Yeah.  Take THAT Monday.  You're a douche too. 

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