Monday, September 19, 2011

An interesting Spin...

Jen at Sprite's Keeper has a great idea of a Spin Cycle.  She gives a different topic, and people give their spin.  This week's topic?  Morals.  Yikes.

So what exactly are morals?  My definition?  They're your personal code of what's right and wrong.  They're what stops you from keeping something you know doesn't belong to you; sort of your conscience.  Urban dictionary has some not so funny definitions here.  I think a lot of my 20's was spent in a morality hangover.  Does that make me a bad person now?  Did it make me a bad person then?  I don't think so - for either.  I may have made some poor choices - but show me someone who's never made a bad choice in their lifetime.  While I think our past is what shapes us today, I think that people can change and be better people, sometimes because of bad choices.  On the flip side, I think some people are just born without any conscience whatsoever.  They will never change.  But - they show us what we don't want to do/be when we grow up.  I've said, half-jokingly sometimes that we all make bad choices in our lives - I just happen to have permanent proof of mine.  Figure that one out.  LOL

If I had no morals or integrity, I'd still be with my ex-boyfriend (who had quite a bit of money).  I couldn't in good conscience stay in a relationship where I didn't love the other person.  He was making some poor choices at the time and I tried to steer him the right way - and it cost me the relationship.  Had I been willing to look the other way - I could have still been in the relationship.  But I couldn't do that.  I look back, and I think that in the long run - him making the choices he did ended up costing him way more than it did me.  I miss the friendship that we had, but not the relationship.  I miss being able to pay bills without having to worry about overdrawing my account, but not having to compromise my integrity or my morals.  Because staying with him for the money would have been wrong.  

Do I consider myself a moral person now?  I consider myself an honest person that has integrity and refuses to compromise that for anyone or anything.  I'm certainly by no means perfect.   I would walk a mile in someone else's shoes before even attempting to judge them or their choices, and I would expect the same from them. 

Have some of this, it'll regulate your morals.. :)


Anonymous said...

Nice spin.


Sprite's Keeper said...

Great Spin! I've wondered before what would have happened had my morals not stopped me from making bad choices. Thank goodness I made the choices I did or my life would never be as good as it is now. :-)
You're linked!

Anonymous said...

Great Spin. We all make bad choices and we all have to live with them. some permanently! ;-)