Thursday, September 27, 2012


My day so far?

Filled tray #1 of the copy machine.  Tray #2 was still full from yesterday's checking.

Put faxes in appropriate mail slots.

Dropped off mail to mail baskets.

Made coffee.

Drank coffee.

Checked email.

Checked Facebook.  Numerous times. 

Won a baby for the day on Saturday (SCORE!!)

Made a call to son's insurance company - told them what for.

Answered a call.  Wrong number.

Oh.  Ate breakfast.

Did I mention that I touched Bruce?  Did I?  Did I mention that it was his birthday when I touched him?  Just making sure.

I'm coming to a peace about having no further contact with some people in my family.  I emailed my stepmother about Thanksgiving and said "thanks, but no thanks"..  I feel bad because she's put in the middle of all this - but I just have to make clean breaks all around.  I don't need the negativity and nastiness in my life, it's not how I am - and to expect more from people that I really have never been that close with, well, that's life, I guess.   Family isn't always who you're related to by blood.  If nothing else, I've learned that in the past year.

Maybe it was the weekend away, maybe it's just all coming around - but I'm feeling better about life in general.  Then again, maybe it's the Paxil finally kicking in.  LOL

Happy Day!