Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saturday 9 - but wait! It's Sunday, dammit!

Meh... so I'm off by a day :)

Hope everyone is well.  I stopped the other day and just relaxed... and realized that life has been pretty busy lately.  Which is good.  But more relaxation needs to be done.  After exercise.  Must exercise first.  Or walk.  Walking is good.  Yeah.  Walking.  LOL

Anywhooo... here's a meme..  I guess these are easier than coming up with post ideas.  I'm lazy.  Wait.  Exercise.  Must.  Exercise. 

1. In a relationship, have you ever hung in even when you knew for sure it was over?
* More than once.  The last time was because my son absolutely adored him.  I'll never make that mistake again - he hurt my son very much (never said goodbye or anything), and for that I felt responsible. 

2. If you had the ability to perpetually alleviate any pain on your body, what would it be?
* Oh my spine.  I have a ruptured disc in my neck, and perpetual back problems.  I would love to have a spine transplant.  Yeah.  Gimme a new one :)

3. What place would you visit if money were no object?
*Hmmmm.... I'd love to see Germany/Switzerland/Luxembourg - that whole Rhineland area. 

4. What is one thing you would love to change about yourself?
*My inability to shut up sometimes. 

5. Do you think your parents were too strict growing up?
*My mother was a bit overboard at times.  I told her once that they have support groups now for people like her - she didn't quite catch the humor in that...  But I never got into much trouble - so how can I complain, really?

6. In general, how many old friends do you have that you talk to at least once a year?
*Old, age-wise, or old as in I've known them forever?   I have many of both, and talk to them all the time! 

7. What was the last compliment you received?
*I was told last night that I looked like I was 27.  Granted she was only 12, but I love her anyway.. LOL

8. Have you ever told someone you loved them but didn't really mean it?
*Sigh... haven't we all?  But the worst thing is finding out that someone told you that and never meant it. 

9. In your opinion, would it be harder to lose someone close to you more as a child or harder as an adult?
*Kids don't understand loss, really.  They just know that the person has gone away.  I've experienced loss of grandparents as a child, and loss of people as an adult.  I have to say - as an adult it's devastating if you're really close to them.  So as a kid?  Much easier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Penny is making me be diligent about exercising - just walking - but it's making a slight difference. I really need to be in better shape.
