Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Liar Liar pants on Fire...

Well, that's over with. Thank goodness.  I got an increase - not as much as I'd hoped for, but considering he was trying to get it decreased, it all worked out... 
The interesting views on the blog have continued - I'm still curious as to who it is and what they're looking for. And for the record? Your ISP blocker? Doesn’t work so well. LOL
Court was.. well... interesting. According to my lawyer - he looks like shit. She went on and on about it - I have to laugh. But it's sad. He's a pathetic human being and maybe it's starting to take its toll on him - keeping all the lies straight is exhausting, I'm sure.

One really good one? I'm emailing his 70-80-something year old mother. I was like WHAT?? I couldn't tell you if the woman even HAS an email. I sent her a letter about 10 years ago (which he and I actually talked about - around 12 years ago) and send her a picture every year. No note. No nothing - just a picture. If she doesn't want them, she can send them back. But she keeps them. And somehow that morphed into me emailing her. whatever. Liar liar pants on fire.

My personal favorite, though?  That he'd see the boy - but we live in Michigan.  That's his excuse for no contact.  I wonder how he'd be if I said "hey, I'm moving home - when do you want to start your visitation?"....  Again - Liar Liar pants on fire...

He brought up bills from 2007. I'm not even going to explain that one - except that he was reaching for stuff to whine about.

About a month ago, I mailed his oldest a letter. He's 27, he's not a child. He's an adult. Was I right in doing so? I don't know. But I was respectful, and pretty much said - hey, you have a brother, if you'd like to know him, that's great. He’s had 15 years to tell these kids about him, and it’s obvious at this point that he never will. And really, life is short. Too short to be keeping ginormous secrets like that. It must get tiring. Exhausting. And then you look like shit.

Want some cheese with that whine?

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