Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bet you didn't expect THAT answer!

1. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten in public? 

 This is a question that could go OH so many ways.... let's go with alligator.  It was greasy and did NOT taste like chicken..

2. If you had to go on an adventure, with elves, dwarves, or hobbits, who would you take and why? 

WTF?  Are we in Wonderland or something?  OK... I'll go with elves and when we sing I get to be Diana!  Seriously.  

3. You are at a rural retreat lodge somewhere deep in Wisconsin or Canada. You are approached by a taxidermist who hands you a stuffed badger and asks you to put it in your lap. What do you do next? 

Um... pose.  Duh..

4. If you were given biscotti, would you prefer it with coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? 


5. In your opinion, who is the funniest man or woman alive today

Me.  What, you don't agree?  Fine.  Quazi Rockstar.  Look him up.  LOL

 6. If you were given thirty seconds on television to say something, what would it be? 

I'd like to thank the Academy..

7. What is your idea of the most romantic date setting ever? 

Show up naked, bring beer.. 

8. If you could go on one date with a movie or television star, who would it be and why? 

HAH!!  He's on TV.  He is!  He is!  Do I even need to post a picture of him or do you all know the answer already?  And really?  I shouldn't even need to tell you WHY..
That's me in the picture.  Before I got sick..

9. What is the worst song you have ever heard? 

Any of that rap shit where they have to bleep out every 3rd word.  That's not a song.  That's just anger.  

10. If you could live anywhere else, where would it be? 

Home.  I want to go home...

11. Who- in your opinion- was the greatest person to ever live?

Dalai Lama.. Come on, the guy has the best attitude and is just so zen it's ridiculous.  We all could learn some stuff from him.  Didn't expect that answer, did you?  LOL



The Gal Herself said...

Boston, right? That's a beautiful shot. And it's such a wonderful city. Great to walk.

K Dubs said...

Yes! It is a great city, but oh so expensive to live near. That's why I'm not "home".. but I'm thinking about RI/NH/ME for when I go back. Not if, but when. LOL