Sunday, April 21, 2013

But the boobs are fabulous... that's all that matters

Sunday Stealing: The Unlucky 13 Meme
1. On average, how long does it take you to get ready for work/school/a day or night out?
I get up at 6:30 and I'm out of the house before 7:15.  And that includes having some coffee, checking email, all that.  I don't wear makeup.  I don't curl my hair.  Damn.  Maybe that's why I'm single.  Think I should start using eye shadow? 

2. If you could ask your favorite author one question about the book(s) they wrote, what would it be?

God.  The Bible.  How much was really true?  How much really happened?  And am I going to get a chance to talk to my Aunt Harriet again, because I have some questions for her!

3. What do you think is the hardest thing about growing up?

Looking at kids you babysat become grandparents.  Getting old.  Jeez, my hip hurt the other day, my elbow's been killing me for a couple of months.  And lets not even go there about the f'ing hot flashes.  BUT... my boobs are now fabulous.  Not sure if you noticed.. LOL
4. Who would you rather switch places with for a day: your favorite celebrity, or your favorite fictional character?

For a day?  I'd switch with someone really stinkin' rich and make gifts of $1M to random people - and my friends, of course.  LOL

5. Who would you rather have point out a flaw that you weren't aware you had: a close personal friend, or a total stranger?

Well, if it's toilet paper hanging out of the back of my pants - that really doesn't matter.  Or a bat in the cave.  Jeez - tell me!  But if it's a character flaw?  Friend.  If it's a stranger it might be just for them - it might not be a permanent thing.  Like if my nose scrunches up when I'm talking to them and makes my face look all squished up.  It might be because they smell like three day old vomit.  Not because it's a flaw.  See what I mean?
 6. Do you get jealous easily? If so, what sorts of qualities or characteristics in other people are you most likely to be jealous of?

Hells no.  I don't like those skinny bitches that complain they're fat.  I want to punch them in the throat.  But then again, my boobs are fabulous.  So I'll get over it.  LOL
7. Which version of yourself would you rather have a conversation with: the one from ten years ago, or the one you turn into ten years from now?

Oh I see a trend....  the one 10 years ago - I'd tell me to get the surgery sooner.  And to save the money from the sale of the house - buy something sooner, but make sure you have an exit strategy.  That was just about the time I moved to Michigan from MA.  Oh, what a conversation I'd have!  Ten years from now?  I don't know what the heck is going to be happening - and I don't want to know the future.  Unless you're going to tell me the Powerball numbers.  Otherwise, that's dumb..
8. Were you ever bullied in any way as a child? If so, how has it shaped you today?

You know, my mother was kind of a bully.  She thought insulting us rather than loving guidance was the way to go.  It's shaped me into a better parent, that's for damn sure.  But it never mattered how thin I ever got - I always looked at myself in the mirror and could hear her saying "you're as big as the side of a barn".. and then she'd hand me a donut.  Dysfunctional much?
9. What is one fear you would like to overcome in your lifetime?

Speaking in public.  LOL
10. What is one food you haven't tried yet that you would like to?

Haggis.  But it would have to be in Scotland.  Which really means I'd try a bite and spit it out, but I'd get a trip to Scotland out of it.  See the way my mind works? 
11. Is it easier to forgive someone for the wrong they've done you or to seek forgiveness from someone that you've wronged in any way?

Ohhhhhhh forgiveness.... Did you read this post here? I have a tough time with it.  But when I'm wrong, I say so - and I will seek it.  So I guess I seek it easier than I give it..
 12. Let’s go random: What did you do for New Year’s Eve for the turn of the millennium? Probably stayed in.  I'm boring on NYE.  It's the most amateur of amateur nights. 

13. What else around here have you noticed? 

Um... there's a pretty kitty at the top of this meme?  But hey - my boobs are FABulous!!!


The Gal Herself said...

Haggis! I wish I'd thought of that while I was answering this meme.

Angel The Alien said...

I never even thought to ask the author of the Bible! LOL! That would be a good idea.

cheatymoon said...

I'm sure the girls are fabulous!
Miss you! xo