Sunday, November 18, 2012

Laws schmaws...

 Sunday Stealing! <---- :=":" along="along" br="br" click="click" here="here" play="play" to="to">
 Have You’s and What Ifs!
1. Have you anything to confess today? 
No... do you?  What did you see?  Did you talk to someone?  WTF?  How did you find out?  That BASTARD!
2. have you ever broken a law? If so, what was it?
Depends... Are we going by the laws of man, laws of nature,  Constitutional laws?  I need clarification before I can answer this, because it depends on which laws you speak of..

3. have you ever committed an act of betrayal against a friend or family member? explain.
Oh Jesus Mary and Joseph.  No, actually - I'll answer this one honestly.  NO.  Although there was that one time I brought my nephew around my son's father (aka baby daddy/putz) (he was maybe 18 months old?) and as a result she threw me out of her house and called me a fucking whore.  Yup.  Because when her kid grows up and if he ever cheats on his wife - it'll be my fault, right?  For bringing him around that bad bad man.  When he was a baby.  We didn't speak for almost 3 years after that.  Yeah.  We had a great relationship.  Ahhhhh sisters..... Oh and for those curious - that was before the boy was a year old, and when he still made an effort.  Here's proof.... this is actually a picture from that very day..

4. Has someone else done something that, to this day, makes you cringe when you think about them committing the act?. 
I look at that picture above and wonder what the HELL was I thinking?

5. Have you ever found yourself sexually aroused by someone that you absolutely should not have been? 
oh see #4....
6. have you ever cheated at school? how so?
I'm sure.  Come on - anyone that says they never looked any someone else's answers is just lying.  Or a total brainiac..
7. What if you came across a backpack stuffed with one hundred thousand dollars. Would you keep it?
maybe.  maybe it was drug money, and nobody is going to claim it.  maybe I'd sit on it a bit, to see if anyone said it was lost - and if they do - THEN come forward.  I'll admit it.  Heck, I could use the money..
8. What if you were the most powerful person in the world. How would you use that power?
For good.  Not evil.  I swear.  I don't care if they have cookies over there - I would be GOOD, dammit!
9. What if you found a magic lamp?
Oh, I'd rub and rub and rub, and then probably become sexually aroused by the genie.  Come on - haven't you ever seen those guys?  They're hot.  I'd make him my sex slave.  oh.  Whoops.  no.  I'd make wishes.  That's it.  Wishes.

10. What if you could change one thing about the world. What would that one thing be?
People that so much as THINK about hurting a child are stopped before they can act.  Wouldn't that be awesome?  And then the abused kids that grow up to use that as an excuse for hurting others won't have that any more.  Then I bet a lot of hurt in the world would stop.

11. What if you could take one thing back. What would that one thing be? 
Hmmmmm, I'm not sure.  I like the things that I have, I probably wouldn't take back anything that I've said or done... Maybe the $300 that I gave the FFW for Christmas money one year?  She really, between me and the ex - took a LOT of money from us.  Wow.  But again, it's forgiveness... that's right.  so nope.  I wouldn't take that back either.  

12. What if you were stuck on an island forever but had all the water, food and shelter you needed. What would you do?
Find a way to sink ships going by so I'd have company.  Sorry peeps - but I'd go freaking insane by myself.  LOL  I need to talk to people!

13. What if the internet didn't exist?

No Bejeweled?  Shut up.  Well for one?  I think the USPS wouldn't be doing so bad. :(
I'm sure there would be a lot more "family bonding time"...   I think that'd suck - I've gotten back in contact with so many friends and family members that I wouldn't have if not for the internet. 

14. What if you never started blogging?
Seriously?  Then how would you all know about me?  My life?  My trials and tribulations?  My struggles for equality..  my... yeah.  You're right.  I'm full of shit.  I just like to share.  And vent.  Hence the name "MY space... MY blog... MY life... no Apologies.  Don't like it?  Don't read.  :)
15. What are your November 22 Thanksgiving plans?
Having dinner with some of my family - not by blood but family by choice.  They're so much better sometimes..  :) 


Mr said...

HAHAHA Awesome answers! makes me wish I would get stuffed in a magic lamp... lol Very funny!!! Nice work!

K Dubs said...

:) Thanks - and welcome! :)

I am Harriet said...

You are too right about that kind of family....